(报告加工时间:2021-08-23 -- 2021-09-21)



  • 全球塑料家具市场(2021-2027年)
    Plastic furniture is designed using various types of plastics, including polymers, polyvinyl chloride, and polypropylene. Their prolonged durability and economic nature have made them ideal materials to be used in outdoor settings and for indoor purposes. For the purpose of analysis, the report segments the global plastic market based on type, end user, distribution channel, and region. The report covers the details about various types of plastic furniture preferred by consumers such as kitchen furniture, living & dining room furniture, bathroom furniture, and outdoor furniture. In addition, residential and commercial are the major consumers of plastic furniture. Furthermore, the study outlines the details about the sale of plastic furniture through diversified distribution channels, including modern trade, specialty stores, e-commerce, and direct-to-customers. Moreover, the analysis presented in this section elaborates the attractiveness of each region, including North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA to identify the lucrative market areas for investment.
  • 全球橡胶市场评估2021年
    This study presents an assessment of the global 3D printing materials market in 2020 and evaluates its future prospects. Volume is assessed in metric tons (t) and revenue in million US dollars ($). This study analyzes the demand for 3D printable materials by end-use sector, chemistry, and product type.


  • 轻工制造行业:关注户外休闲运动产业链内外销高景气-周报
  • 轮胎行业:后疫情时代,轮胎行业的主逻辑-深度报告之一
    2021 年上半年海外轮胎巨头迎来业绩爆发,一扫之前的颓势,同比2020 年大幅增长,同比2019 年仍有不俗的增长。国内轮胎龙头企业在2020 年疫情中逆势增长的情况下,受2021 年原材料价格上涨、海运费高位以及东南亚双反关税三重不利因素的叠加影响,2021 年增速放缓甚至有所下滑。国际轮胎巨头半年报普遍对全年轮胎市场表示乐观,海外龙头纷纷上调全年盈利预测:米其林将其2021 年营业利润的预测上调了12%,普利司通将其归母净利润的预测上调了25%。目前,在原材料价格回落的预期下,预计国内胎企业绩也有望实现修复。

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