(报告加工时间:2013-09-30 -- 2013-10-13)



  • 电子设备、仪器和元件行业:不断和“预期”进行搏杀
    9月份的电子板块,我们经历了一番大起大落,9月上旬,整个电子板块在新品预期的带动下连续数个交易日上涨。而9月10日,苹果发布新品,iPhone5c的价格远远高于大众预期,引来一片哗然,因此后续几日,整个电子板块在龙头公司的带领下,整体持续下跌。而中旬的中秋节的假日里,新iPhone的金色版本出现供不应求的局面,在公众预期得以恢复的情况下,接下来的数个交易日,电子板块迎来了一定幅度的反弹。不可否认,本月的市场关注重点不在于TMT 板块,行业轮动的带动下,电子板块的持续上涨或将存在一定的压力。
  • 厨电一体化:走向精彩


  • 全球纤维过滤器市场报告(2012-2016年)
    Fabric filters, or the more commonly used term, baghouses, are used to control air pollution. Its filtration process separates dust particulates from air or from gases released from industrial plants. These filters are one of the most cost-effective and efficient types of dust collectors available; it can efficiently collect more than 99 percent of very fine particulates present in air or gases released from manufacturing units. These filters are also capable of handling extreme temperature or climatic conditions that are generally prevalent in industrial plants. Baghouses use absorbents to remove gases and heavy metals and this helps them efficiently collect particulates (regardless of the incoming dust load or particle size). They are much more advantageous when compared to electrostatic precipitators as its operations vary depending on the prevalent conditions. Fabric filters may be divided into three types based on the way dust is collected and removed from the system: Mechanical Shaker, Reverse Air, and Pulse Jet.The Global Fabric Filter market is one of the steadily growing markets of the Global Industrial Filter market. The Global Fabric Filter market receives majority of its demand from the Stone and Cement industry. The market receives majority of its revenue from the APAC region, followed by the Americas and Europe. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.9 percent during the period 2012-2016.
  • 全球厚膜设备市场报告(2012-2016年)
    Thick film devices are single layered or multi layered structures, which are made-up by the deposition of a formulated paste on a substrate. The substrate can be made of various materials such as ceramic, polymeric, and metallic. This layer deposited on the substrate, will facilitate electrical, mechanical, or chemical functionality for the devices, in which the layer is fabricated. The increased need for improving and accentuating various device components is one of the major factors driving demand for the thick film devices.The Global Thick Film Devices market is expected to experience rapid growth during the period 2012-2016. One of the reasons for this growth is the increasing demand for compact devices, which is facilitated by thick film technology. The Global Thick Film Devices market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 13.76 percent during the period 2012-2016. The Americas led the Global Thick Film Devices market in 2012.
  • 全球吸奶器市场报告(2012-2016年)
    A breast pump is an automated or a manual device that can extract milk from the breasts of a lactating woman. Manual breast pumps are executed manually by hand movements to extract milk, electrical breast pumps are powered by electricity for automatically extracting breast milk, and battery-powered breast pumps are powered by batteries. Most of the breast pumps permit direct assortment of pumped breast milk into a bottle, which can be used for storing and feeding new-born babies. Moreover, breast pumps may be attributed to stimulate lactation for females with irregular milk source.
  • 全球紫外线LED市场报告(2012-2016年)
    An LED is a semiconductor device/light source that emits visible light or infrared light when an electric charge passes through it. LEDs are primarily used as indicator lamps and other lighting purposes, such as on billboard signs, television remotes, and in the brake lights in automobiles. In the early days, LEDs would only emit a low-intensity red light. Currently, however LEDs are available across the visible, ultraviolet, and infrared wavelengths. They work on the principle of electroluminescence, wherein the color of illumination is determined by the energy band gap of the semiconductor. A UV LED displays an ultraviolet light; its wavelength is lesser than 400nm. UV LED's compact nature and superior performance has led to its application in UV curing, counterfeit detectors, scientific instruments, and much more.The Global UV LED market is currently witnessing a high growth rate. The APAC region dominated the market in 2012 and accounted for a market share of 39.4 percent; the APAC region was followed by Europe, North America, and ROW. The Global UV LED market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 44.3 percent during the period 2012-2016.

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