(报告加工时间:2020-04-20 -- 2020-04-26)


  • 全球智能气动市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    Rising awareness toward predictive maintenance is driving the market, owing to the emergence of Industry 4.0 and sophisticated ‘smarter’ technologies. According to Accenture, predictive maintenance of assets is one matching area of focus, which saves up to 12% over scheduled repairs, reducing overall maintenance costs up to 30% and eliminating breakdowns up to 70%. A breakdown in critical equipment is costly to manufacturers in terms of repairs, as well as the loss of productivity and downtime. Approximately 98% of organizations stated that a single hour of downtime costs over USD 100,000. Ensuring that all equipment function optimally, remains an essential priority for manufacturers, many of whom are turning to predictive maintenance-enabling technology and solutions on their production floor. For pneumatics systems, it means a whole new level of condition and remote monitoring, to the extent that maintenance personnel can determine whether some obstacles have occurred or not.
  • 全球智能恒温器市场报告(2019-2026年)
    Smart thermostat is the latest technology used for home heating. The device provides the user remote access for heat switching via internet. So, the user can use smartphones to turn on or turn off the heating from far distances. The global smart thermostat market is analyzed and estimated in accordance with the impacts of the drivers, restraints, and opportunities. The period studied in this report is 2019–2026.
  • 全球引脚和套管设备市场报告(2019-2026年)
    Pin and sleeve devices are widely used in residential, commercial, and industrial applications as a medium for electricity to flow from circuit to device. Various industries, including automotive, manufacturing, oil & gas, and energy & power, widely use pin and sleeve devices in multiple applications as these devices offer safe connectivity and high durability. They also provide suitable result in abusive environments. The scope of the report discusses the potential opportunities for the market players to enter the global pin and sleeve devices market. Furthermore, it provides an in-depth analysis of the market, outlining current trends, key driving factors, and key area of investments. The report includes Porter’s five forces analysis to understand the competitive scenario of the industry and role of each stakeholder in the value chain. Moreover, it features the strategies adopted by key market players to maintain their foothold in the market.


  • 钴行业:把握周期底部的边际变化,钴价上涨“渐行渐近
  • 电气设备及新能源行业:新基建下的特高压行情如何演化?-特高压专题
  • 机械行业:3月份工业机器人同比转正,医疗相关需求持续火爆-工业自动化行业点评
    工业机器人行业逐步回暖。中期来看,从工业机器人月度产量角度,我们认为自动化行业从2019 年四季度已经开始复苏了,工业机器人2019 年10-12 月份产量分别达到1.44、1.61、2 万台,同比增长1.7%、4.3%、15.3%,20 年1-2、1-3 月累计同比分别为-19.4%、-8.2%,3 月单月同比增长12.9%,尽管1、2 月份疫情影响,导致一季度有所下滑,但是3 月份产量情况良好,我们认为整体行业自2019 年见底后,复苏过程将会有2-3 年时间,因此尽管疫情对于短期的需求有所抑制,但是各行业需求正不断回暖,一般工业需求情况目前恢复良好,基本接近常态,汽车行业,3C 在逐渐缓慢恢复。
  • 光伏设备行业:通威领衔下游扩产积极,技术路线不断突破带来设备空间
    继2 月份公告投资200 亿建设金堂30GW 电池片项目之后,通威进一步推进落实扩产计划,此次拟募集不超过60 亿元,为眉山二期和金堂一期项目提供资金保障。我们预计这两个项目有望在2020 年启动,以210大尺寸的PERC 技术路线为主,并预留PERC+/TOPCON 的设备叠加空间。
  • 半导体行业:德州仪器,Q1优于预期,Q2需求能见度较低-模拟芯片研究系列
    德州仪器披露2020Q1 业绩,高于市场预期。德州仪器本季(Ended 2020/3/31)实现收入33.3 亿美元(接近前期指引区间上限,高于彭博一致预期31.4 亿美元),QoQ 下滑1%,YoY 下滑7%;实现毛利率(nonGAAP)62.7%,QoQ 上升0.1pct,YoY 下降0.2pct;实现营业利润(non-GAAP)12.4 亿美元,YoY 下滑9.8%,QoQ下滑0.4%,对应37.4%营业利润率,YoY 下降1.0pct,QoQ 上升0.1pct。

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