(报告加工时间:2022-04-18 -- 2022-04-24)



  • 全球电子药房市场研究报告和展望2027年
    With the rollout of the vaccine across the world in 2021 the global economy is expected to expand by roughly 4 in 2021 However, in January 2021 the World Bank stated in its Global Economic Prospects that the recovery will be slow unless governments around the world take effective action to control the pandemic and begin implementing investment enhancing reforms, as well as vaccination campaigns, strict health policies, and financial support Within the broader context of e health, telehealth is gaining traction in both developed and developing countries Telehealth has been used in almost every country in the world, but it is embedded in only a few
  • 全球交互式患者参与解决方案市场报告(2022-2027年)
    The adoption of healthcare information technology (HCIT) in the healthcare sector has supported patient engagement and played an instrumental role in reducing medical costs. Nursing was at the forefront of achieving these results and was one of the first users of healthcare IT solutions for interactive patient engagement. Several HCIT solutions such as the interactive patient management systems enable healthcare providers to provide entertainment and educational resources to patients, which results in better care experience across the complete continuum of care.
  • 全球脑成像模式市场
    As per BIS Research, a CT scan of the brain is a non-invasive diagnostic imaging process that produces horizontal, or axial images (commonly referred to as slices) of the brain using specific X-Ray measurements. Brain CT scans can provide more specific information about brain tissue and structures than ordinary head X-Rays, allowing for additional information about brain injuries and disorders. Head CT scans employ specialized X-Ray equipment to diagnose head traumas, severe headaches, dizziness, and other symptoms of aneurysms, hemorrhage, strokes, and brain tumors. It also aids the doctor in evaluating the face, sinuses, and skull, as well as planning brain cancer radiation therapy. It can also reveal internal injuries and bleeding in emergencies.
  • 全球数据中心冷却市场报告(2022-2027年)
    The global data center market is witnessing increasing demand for services, such as cloud-based and colocation services, from banking finance, manufacturing, logistics, e-commerce, and other industries. However, factors such as power, water resources, favorable free cooling conditions, fiber connectivity, and availability of skilled labor are considered in selecting areas for data center development and operation.
  • 全球脑疾病模式和软件市场
    As per BIS Research, a computer tomography (CT) scan of the brain is a non-invasive diagnostic imaging process that produces horizontal, or axial, images (commonly referred to as slices) of the brain using specific X-Ray measurements. Brain CT scans can provide more specific information about brain tissue and structures than ordinary head X-Rays, allowing for additional information about brain injuries and disorders. Head CT scans employ specialized X-Ray equipment to diagnose head traumas, severe headaches, dizziness, and other symptoms of aneurysms, hemorrhage, strokes, and brain tumors. These scans also aid the doctor in evaluating the face, sinuses, and skull, as well as planning brain cancer radiation therapy. They can also reveal internal injuries and bleeding in emergencies.
  • 全球农业和食品市场区块链
    Agriculture is one of the leading sectors providing livelihood to many globally. Therefore, blockchain in agriculture and food market has a vast potential to revolutionize the food production industry in the future. Innovation merged with advanced technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) extends agricultural output results. Blockchain technology will be a revolutionary change as it offers tamper-proof, precise statistics about the farms, inventory, credit scores, and food tracking. The agriculture and food market required a lot of inconsistent paperwork and dependency on paper-based documentation. Therefore, blockchain provides a systematic digital ledger for storing land records and other data, keeping them safe during natural calamities. Using blockchain as a customized solution for farmers can promote sustainability in farming. Moreover, farmers do not have to wait for payments through blockchain as the finances are settled quickly through this system. In addition, farmers are not required to pay any intermediary or additional costs.
  • 全球数据中心发电机市场报告(2022-2027年)
    Data centers are the largest consumers of electricity in the world. They consume around 3% of the world’s electricity. It is expected that by 2030, data centers will consume around 8% of the global electricity. The increasing construction of hyperscale data centers will raise the energy demand by more than 600 terawatthours of electricity by 2021. A data center can consume power ranging from 100 kW to over 100 MW. The incoming power to the facility from the utility feed is 2−33 kV, which is reduced to 480 V using on-site transformers. The power from the transformer is fed into the switchgear or automatic transfer switches (ATS), which are connected in parallel to the generator to supply backup power during outages.


  • 通信行业:半导体激光器产业快速渗透,国产替代空间巨大-点评报告
    与欧美发达国家相比,我国在激光技术应用及高端核心技术方面却仍存在着不小的差距,尤其上游半导体激光芯片等核心元器件仍依赖进口。高端光芯片技术门槛高,我国核心光芯片的国产化率较低, 主要依靠进口。国内企业开始测试并验证国内的光芯片产品, 寻求国产化替代,将促进光芯片行业的自主化进程。
  • 通信行业:工业互联网再受政策推动,5G新建基站大幅增长
    加快5G 全连接工厂建设,培育推广“5G+工业互联网”典型应用场景;积极推动企业加快内网改造升级和外网建设。完善标识体系,引导建设二级节点累计超过200 个,标识注册总量突破1000亿,日均解析量1 亿,企业接入数量10 万家,上线递归节点不少于8 个。加速标识规模应用推广,深化标识在各行业、各环节的规模化应用。指导工业互联网产业联盟发布仪表、环保、服装等行业标识解析应用指南。推动不少于5 个工业互联网平台、500 个工业APP 适配标识解析体系。
  • 区块链行业:元宇宙的九宫格框架,从What到How-深度报告
    在近期的产业交流中,我们发现元宇宙的概念已初步普及,更多的企业在思考:我们如何依托自身资源参与这场全新的变革?虚实之间,如何布局?本文我们提出“九宫格”框架,探索如何落地元宇宙。我们将元宇宙分为偏硬和偏软两个维度分别结合分析。硬件维度可以分为三个基础设施:算力、通信/存储和光学显示。而软件维度的三个层次:数据、算法、激励来层层递进解读,这就构成了元宇宙的九宫格框架。分别是:大数据、AIGC、数字资产POW、5G、隐私计算、分布式存储、ARVR、数字孪生/3D 展示和虚拟人/NFT。

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