(报告加工时间:2018-03-26 -- 2018-04-01)



  • 医药竞争情报-第687期
  • 医药汇编-第766期
    月 5 日上午 9 时,十三届全国人大一次会议开幕,政府工作报告中,对 2018 年政府工作的建议,涉及医药行业的内容汇总如下:医疗领域推进“ 互联网+” 做大做强新兴产业集群,实施大数据发展行动,加强新一代人工智能研发应 用,在医疗、养老、教育、文化、体育等多领域推进“互联网+”。加强癌症等重大疾病防治攻关。强化基础研究和应用基础研究,启动一批科技创新重大项目,高标准建设国家实验室。鼓励企业牵头实施重大科技项目,支持科研院所、高校与企业融通创 新,加快创新成果转化应用。国家科技投入要向民生领域倾斜,加强雾霾治理、癌症等重大疾病防治攻关,使科技更好造福人民。


  • 包装的葡萄糖监测设备市场 - 全球展望和预测
    Diabetes is a medical condition in which blood glucose levels increase to a higher level than normal. It is one of the common diseases occurring worldwide, and its prevalence is increasing at an alarming rate. Blood glucose is the major source of energy for body cells, which is attained by the consumption of food. Insulin is a hormone produced by the beta cells of the pancreas, which helps in regulating blood sugar level. Inadequate production of insulin hampers the glucose breakdown in the body. Glucose concentration increases in the blood and is unable to reach the body cells due to the insufficient production of insulin. This concentration imbalance leads to diabetes in an individual. However, diabetes cannot be cured; it can be managed by maintaining a healthy lifestyle by an individual. The self-management of diabetes depends on the type of diabetes in an individual.
  • 认知和记忆增强剂药物市场报告(2017-2023年)
    Cognitive enhancers are drugs and supplements, which are majorly used by patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, stroke, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or aging. In addition, these drugs are used by health individuals to improve cognitive functions such as memory, intelligence, motivation, stamina, alertness attention, and concentration.


  • 流感疫苗行业:四价流感疫苗获批在即,空间广阔-专题
    四价流感疫苗有望加速上市,业绩弹性巨大。流感疫情爆发引发公众关注度提升,临床急需、市场短缺的四价流感疫苗有望加速获批,且上市有望加速放量,四价疫苗对三价疫苗替代空间广阔,首批获批上市的2-3 家企业先发优势显著,竞争格局显著优化,能够带来较大业绩弹性。推荐标的:华兰生物,维持增持评级;受益标的:长生生物。

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