(报告加工时间:2025-02-24 -- 2025-03-02)


  • 全球丙烯腈市场报告(2025-2029 年)
    Acrylonitrile is a colorless, volatile organic compound with a pungent smell. The highly flammable liquid is manufactured by the reaction of ammonia, propylene, and air in the presence of a catalyst, which contains a complex of catalytic oxides comprising bismuth, potassium, chromium, cobalt, cesium, cerium, nickel, iron, and molybdenum. The yellow color of acrylonitrile indicates the presence of impurities, and it needs to be purified before being used in chemical manufacturing.


  • 全球家用清洁产品市场报告(2025-2029年)
    Household cleaning products help maintain household hygiene and health. The report considers four major categories of household cleaning products, which include surface cleaners, dishwashing products, toilet cleaners, and other cleaning agents (bleach).
  • 全球蜡市场分析及细分市场预测2030 年
    Mineral Wax - These are a series of hydrocarbons with high molecular weight and the overall market size mineral wax comprises of paraffin wax, microcrystalline wax, ceresin, and petrolatum waxes.  Synthetic Wax - These are hydrocarbon waxes which are extracted through polymerization of ethylene and the overall market size of synthetic wax comprises of polymer wax, Fischer-Tropsch wax and other polymer based waxes.
  • 全球脱模涂料市场报告(2025-2029年)
    Mold release coatings are specialized chemical formulations applied to mold surfaces to prevent materials from adhering to them during the manufacturing process
  • 全球玻璃餐具市场报告(2025-2029年)
    Glass tableware are tableware products such as dishes or dishware made up of glass used for setting a table or serving food and dining. Glass tableware includes general glassware items such as storage ware and bakeware. They are for household purposes as well as those used in the hotel/food catering industry.
  • 全球化学软件市场报告(2025-2029年)
    Chemical software refers to industry-specific applications that are majorly used in the chemical industry for various purposes, including chemical process simulation, inventory management, and International Standards of Organization (ISO) management. It also includes particle tracking, reporting and statistics, uncertainty analysis, and laboratory information management (LIMS) software.
  • 全球膨胀型涂料市场报告(2025-2029年)
    Intumescent coatings are a type of fire-resistant material that expands when exposed to heat, forming an insulating layer that protects the underlying surface. These coatings are commonly used to enhance the fire resistance of building materials, particularly steel and wood.
  • 全球叶面肥市场规模和份额分析增长趋势和预测至2028 年
    The global agricultural sector is currently facing many challenges. According to the UN, the world population will likely exceed nine billion by 2050. This population growth may overburden the agricultural industry, which is already experiencing an output loss due to a lack of laborers and the shrinkage of agricultural fields caused by rising urbanization. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, 70% of the global population is expected to live in cities by 2050. Due to the global loss of arable land, farmers now need to utilize fertilizers to increase crop yields
  • 全球高温涂料市场报告(2025-2029年)
    High-temperature coating are specialized materials designed to protect surfaces exposed to extreme temperatures, typically ranging from 150 degrees Celsius to over 1000 degrees Celsius. These coatings are essential in industries such as aerospace, automotive, power generation, and manufacturing, where equipment and components must withstand high heat without degrading. They provide thermal insulation, corrosion resistance, and mechanical stability, ensuring the longevity and efficiency of the coated surfaces. High-temperature coating is formulated using advanced materials like ceramics, metal alloys, and silicone resins, which offer excellent thermal stability and durability. Their application helps in maintaining the structural integrity and performance of critical components under harsh operating conditions, thereby reducing maintenance costs and downtime.
  • 全球家用清洁产品市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Household cleaning products help maintain household hygiene and health. The report considers four major categories of household cleaning products, which include surface cleaners, dishwashing products, toilet cleaners, and other cleaning agents (bleach).
  • 全球燃料添加剂市场规模和份额分析 - 增长趋势和预测(2023-2028年)
    Fuel additives are compounds that are designed to improve the quality and efficiency of fuels. Fuel additives are added to improve performance, flowability, corrosion resistance, clean burning, and many other properties.
  • 全球无水化妆品市场报告(2025-2029年)
    Waterless cosmetics refer to beauty and skincare products formulated without the inclusion of water as a primary ingredient. In these products, water is typically replaced by alternative hydrating ingredients such as oils, butters, or plant extracts.
  • 全球湿巾和擦拭巾市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Wet tissues and wipes are pieces of cloth, paper, or towelette used for cleaning and maintaining hygiene for personal, household, industrial, commercial, and institutional purposes. They are primarily made from pulp or recycled paper and then moistened with different ingredients such as Aloe Vera, lemon, water, or gel.
  • 全球二氧化碳市场报告(2024-2028年)
    CO2 is a non-flammable, odorless, and colorless gas with a mild, pungent acidic taste. For commercial purposes, it is used in the enhanced oil refinery industry, food and beverage industry, fire suppression and others. CO2 is usually obtained from the combustion of petroleum distillates, natural gas, carbon-containing compounds, coal, and other organic materials. The market size is based on the revenues generated by key participants.
  • 全球 - 核能,2023 年 12 月
    The nuclear energy market includes the generation of electricity through the use of nuclear reactions. The market volume is calculated based on the amount of electricity produced by nuclear power plants, while the market value is determined by multiplying the amount of electricity produced with the wholesale price for electricity generation. All market data and forecasts are represented in nominal terms (i.e., without adjustment for inflation) and all currency conversions used in the creation of this report have been calculated using constant 2022 annual average exchange rates.
  • 全球液体硅橡胶 (LSR) 市场规模和份额分析 - 增长趋势和预测
    Liquid Silicone Rubber (LSR) is a highly versatile material widely used in various industries due to its unique properties. It is a two-component system comprising long polysiloxane chains reinforced with specially treated silica.
  • 全球洗衣粉市场报告(2025-2029年)
    Detergent sheets are a form of laundry detergent that comes in a thin, sheet-like format. These sheets are pre￾measured and designed to dissolve quickly in water, releasing the detergent to clean clothes during the laundry cycle. Detergent sheets have gained popularity due to their compact size, ease of use, reduced packaging waste, and often eco-friendly formulations.
  • 全球四氢呋喃市场规模和份额分析-增长趋势和预测(2024-2029年)
    Global Tetrahydrofuran Market Size and Share Analysis - Growth Trends and Forecasts (2024 - 2029)


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