The global e-cigarette market is defined by the industry engaged in the production, distribution,
and sale of electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigarettes or vapes. These are battery-powered
devices that deliver nicotine, flavorings, and other chemicals to users through an aerosol,
commonly referred to as vapor, without involving the combustion that characterizes traditional
tobacco products. The market includes a variety of e-cigarette products, ranging from disposable
e-cigarettes, which are single-use devices pre-filled with e-liquid, to rechargeable e-cigarettes,
which are reusable devices that allow users to refill e-liquid and recharge the battery.
The World Health Organization's (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) advises countries to consider plain packaging. This
approach mandates health warnings on tobacco packages, bans branding elements like colors and logos, standardizes font size and color
(often an unappealing brown), and formats the packaging uniformly. These regulations aim to diminish product promotion, enhance warning
visibility, reduce deceptive packaging, and decrease tobacco consumption
E-cigarettes are electronic devices that stimulate the experience of smoking. They operate by heating a liquid
that produces an aerosol, which is inhaled by the user. The aerosol vapor contains nicotine, flavorings, and
other chemicals. The liquid used in e-cigarettes to produce aerosol is known as e-liquid.
The global e-cigarette market is a part of the global tobacco market. The global tobacco market was valued at $807.86 billion in 2021 and reached $867.36 billion in 2023.
The global tobacco market witnessed an incremental growth of $59.5 billion and registered a CAGR of 3.6% from 2021 to 2023.