(报告加工时间:2013-12-02 -- 2013-12-15)



  • 医药行业季度分析报告——2013年2季度
    据国家统计局发布的数据,2013 年1~5月份,医药制造业实现销售收入7686亿元,同比增长19.79%;实现利润总额730亿元,同比增长17.50%,销售利润率9.51%。今年上半年,医药上市公司的并购节奏明显加快,并购案例超过20个。包括华润三九收购山东临清华威药业,仁和药业收购东科麦迪森制药,上海医药控股收购东英药业,上海莱士收购邦和药业,乐普医疗收购新帅克制药等等。
  • 2014年生物制药行业发展报告(展望篇)
    秋季高发传染病种类较少,我国法定传染病报告发病数较上季度减少10.35 万例,并呈逐月下降趋势。前3 季度,我国疫苗批签发量总体呈稳定增长态势。我国共签发HIB 疫苗、脊灰疫苗等27 种主要疫苗5.93 亿人份(粒、盒、瓶),同比增长5.32%,增速较上半年加快2.62 个百分点。其中,麻疹疫苗、乙肝疫苗、伤寒疫苗、霍乱疫苗、甲肝疫苗、乙脑疫苗、百白破脊灰HIB 联合疫苗、鼠疫疫苗等疫苗的批签发量增幅超过30%。1~9 月,我国生物药品制造业实现销售收入1687.80 亿元,同比增长18.2%,增速较上年同期加快2.11 个百分点。
  • 医药汇编——550期
  • 2013年11月(下半月)医药行业要闻综述


  • 全球静脉注射疗法市场报告(2014-2018年)
    The Global Intravenous Solutions market has been experiencing steady growth for the past few years. Most of the growth in the global market in 2013 stems from the Americas and the EMEA region, and both of these regions together account for approximately 90 percent of the market share. The APAC region is expected to grow at a faster pace owing to the rapid adoption of intravenous solutions and the increasing awareness among the global population about benefits offered by intravenous solutions. The overall market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.88 percent during the forecast period.
  • 全球生物模拟市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Biosimulation is the simulation of biological processes and systems, and is aided by computers. It plays an important role in the drug discovery and development process. The drug discovery and development process can be broadly classified into the following stages: target identification, target validation, lead discovery, lead optimization, and pre-clinical and clinical testing. Biosimulation is employed during all these stages and supports decision-making. One of the key roles of biosimulation in the drug discovery and development process is that it enables trials on a virtual patient population, thereby reducing the need for clinical trials on humans and animals. Thus, biosimulation provides immense value to pharmaceutical companies in terms of reducing both R&D time and costs.
  • 全球乳房植入物市场报告(2014-2018年)
    A breast implant is a prosthesis that is implanted under the breast tissue to correct the size, form, and quality of a woman’s breast. It is also used to restructure breast tissue after a mastectomy or other damage to the breast. Breast implants are of two types: silicone and saline breast implants. Both types have a silicone outer shell. These implants vary in size, shell thickness, and shape. Many women prefer silicone over saline implants because the look and feel of the implant is more like natural breast tissue.The Global Breast Implants market is one of the major segments of Global Medical Aesthetic Devices market. According to the FDA, approximately 5-10 million women across the world have undergone breast implants. This market is growing at a relatively slow rate in developing countries. However, the markets in Europe and Asia are witnessing an increase in their market shares. In terms of revenue, the Americas dominates this market, followed by the EMEA region and the APAC region. On the whole, the Global Breast Implants market is expected to witness an improvement in its growth rate and post a CAGR of 6.08 percent during the period 2013-2018.


  • 美国维生素C反垄断案回顾与反思
  • 新兴产业周刊——2013年43期
  • 新兴产业周刊——2013年45期
  • 新兴产业周刊——2013年44期

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