(报告加工时间:2016-05-23 -- 2016-05-29)


  • 医药汇编-第674期
  • 医药竞争情报-第595期
    近年来,解决抗生素滥用问题成为医改的一大重点。自 2011 年初我国提出抗生素分级管理,2012 年 8 月正式实施以来,国内相关大输液类药企利润不断下滑。今年各地政策再次加码,浙江、江苏等地纷纷发文要求逐步停止门诊输液,浙江省近期发布的“限抗”新政,不仅涵盖大型医院,也涉及到小型卫生院。随着限制抗生素使用声音的日益强烈,抗生素产业空间将进一步被挤占,限抗令升级背景下药企如何布局转型成为当前亟待解决的难题。
  • 2015年我国医药市场呈现缓慢增长态势
    近日,中国医药工业信息中心和国药励展联合发布的《中国健康产业蓝皮书( 2016 版)》(以下简称蓝皮书)表示,数据显示,作为我国健康产业的最重要核心组成部分的国内医药市场, 2015 年由于受到多种政策因素影响,较之 2014 年增幅仅为 7.6%,这也是自“十二五”以来我国医药市场最低的增长率。其中,国内大型医疗机构药品销售增长率急速下降至6.2%,零售药店市场和以基层医疗为主的终端市场仍维持着略微高于 10%的两位数的增长水平。


  • 全球血液动力学监测市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Hemodynamic monitoring is a patient monitoring technique that involves the measurement of the blood pressure in the heart, vein, and arteries and oxygen levels. The type of hemodynamic monitoring depends on the medical situation of a person — critical condition or admitted in the ICU for a simple surgery. Physicians use advanced hemodynamic monitoring to measure the intravascular volume status and intake and output of oxygen in people who are in critical condition. They use basic hemodynamic monitoring to measure the heart rate and temperature and analyze the blood gas levels in people admitted in ICUs for simple surgeries.
  • 全球面部护理产品市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Facial care products include creams, serums, and masks with functional properties like skin brightening, anti-aging, and anti-wrinkle. The global facial care products market will grow at a steady CAGR of 4.55% during the forecast period. The market in APAC will likely post a high growth rate over the next five years owing to the increasing demand for skin care products, particularly from countries such as India and China.
  • 全球牙冠和牙桥市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Dental crowns and bridges are prosthetic dental devices used for dental restoration. They help to alter the shape and size of tooth, offer strength, and improve aesthetic appearance. Some of the common dental problems include bad breath, tooth decay, gum disease, mouth sores, oral cancer, and tooth sensitivity. Most crowns and bridges are made of porcelain or ceramic material that matches the color of the natural tooth. Other materials include titanium, gold, acrylic, and metal alloys. These are mounted or cemented onto existing tooth, which can only be removed by dentists.
  • 全球膳食替代产品市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Meal replacement products provide 200-250 calories per serving and are fortified with more than 20 vitamins and minerals; they do not contain fat or sugar. They are mainly intended for weight control and act as a substitute for a solid meal containing all the major nutrients. They are designed to replace one or two meals per day. In 2015, the Americas dominated the market, followed by APAC and EMEA. APAC will see rapid growth during the forecast period because of the rise in the obese population.
  • 全球快速诊断市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Rapid diagnostic tests are diagnostic assays designed for low-resource settings that provide faster results. These can be carried out either at a patient's bedside or in a clinical setting. These devices are simple to operate and read, have a low cost, and are specific, sensitive, and stable at extreme temperatures. They also provide quick results. Rapid diagnostics is the fastest-growing segment in in vitro diagnostics (IVD). Rapid diagnostic tests include agglutination, lateral flow, flow through, solid phase, and nucleic-acid amplification tests. Diagnostic devices are used to detect and measure blood glucose and coagulation levels, cardiac biomarkers, infectious diseases, hemoglobin concentration, five-part differential blood count, and pregnancy and fertility status. These tests can be used at patient's bedside, and in physician's clinics, ICUs, operating rooms, emergency rooms, and inpatient wards. The healthcare professional attending to the patient obtains the specimen, performs an analysis, and records the result.
  • 全球α-1抗胰蛋白酶药物市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Alpha-1 antitrypsin, also known as an alpha-1 protease inhibitor (A1PI), is a glycoprotein produced in the liver that helps in the inactivation of enzymes such as elastase, which break down proteins during inflammation induced by some injury. The decline in alpha-1 antitrypsin levels in the blood results in a rare genetic condition known as alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD), which leads to the development of respiratory and liver diseases, and severe skin infections. The disease is passed on from parents to an offspring through mutated genes. Augmentation therapy using drugs derived from human plasma helps in maintaining levels of alpha-1 antitrypsin in the blood, helping in remission of the condition.
  • 全球市场吸脂市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Liposuction is a procedure that surgically removes fat deposits from specific parts of the body such as abdomen, thighs, buttocks, hips, arms, and neck. The procedure can be both invasive and non-invasive. The invasive method involves the use of a small, hollow tube called a cannula that removes the excess fat present in the body. The noninvasive method uses devices that are applied to the skin over the treatment areas. The invasive liposuction procedures employ laser assisted, twin-cannula assisted, and ultrasound assisted techniques. The non-invasive treatments include radio frequency, laser energy, ultrasound, and cold-based techniques.
  • 全球胸外科市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Thoracic surgery involves surgical treatment (open surgery or minimally invasive surgery) to address medical conditions involving the heart or lungs. It includes procedures such as redo heart surgery, aortic dissection for aortic surgery, minimally invasive mitral valve repair and replacement, and endovascular repair of thoracic aortic aneurysms. It is performed to treat end-stage heart failure, heart-lung transplants, and placement of ventricular-assist devices.


  • 国内疫苗市场:2010年起保持年均增速22%
    国家卫生计生委发布的《中国疾病预防控制工作进展( 2015)报告》指出,我国近几年传染病防控能力有了明显提升,免费接种的国家免疫规划疫苗扩增至 14 种,以乡镇为单位适龄儿童国家免疫规划疫苗接种率总体达到 90%以上。随着二胎新政的实施,将带动疫苗市场的可持续发展。从疫苗市场产品结构来看,主要是抗流感疫苗、婴幼儿和儿童疫苗、宫颈癌疫苗、抗病毒疫苗、肝炎疫苗和其它疫苗等。其中,成人疫苗占据 60%份额,但儿童疫苗的开发和市场增速明显高于成人疫苗。
  • 医药外贸一季度数据放送:寻找严峻形势下的机会
    2016 年第一季度,中国医药保健品进出口总额 236.67 亿美元,同比微降 0.58%。其中,出口额 131.3 亿美元,同比下降 3.87%;进口额 105.36 亿美元,同比增长 3.85%。进出口量价表现虽都是“ 量价背离” ,但情况却大不同:出口为量升价减,而进口为价升量减。这再度体现出中国医药市场的主要特点——自主产品偏低端,高端产品依赖进口。
  • 2015年度药品审评报告(全文)
    2015 年,在国家食品药品监督管理总局的领导下,药品审评中心(以下简称药审中心)紧紧围绕“ 改革审评制度,解决审评积压,提高审评质量,完善审评体系” ,不断推进各项工作,切实维护和促进公众健康。根据国家食品药品监督管理总局有关工作要求,现将《 2015年度药品审评报告》予以发布。
  • 2011-2015年食药监总局统计年鉴数据盘点
    近日,国家食品药品监管总局在官网发布 2015 年度食品药品监管统计年报。本文对 2011年-2015 年的统计年报进行梳理分析,从相关数据中,看看 “ 十二五规划” 期间医药行业的发展走势。
  • 医药年报解析:211家上市公司年收入超8000亿
    截至 2016 年 4 月 30 日,申万医药生物行业 211 家公司 2015 年年报全部披露, 211 家上市公司全年收入 8072.13 亿元,同比增长 21%;归属母公司股东的净利润为 644.38 亿,同比增长 14%。
  • 图说2008-2015年申报量最多的国产药竞争状况
  • 2015年中药进出口贸易喜忧参半
    2015 年,我国中药贸易克服了外需低迷、价格下跌、要素成本持续快速上升等多种因素的影响,整体表现较为突出。据海关统计数据显示, 2015 年,我国中药类产品进出口额达 47.95 亿美元,同比增长 3.56%。其中,出口额 37.70 亿美元,同比增长 4.95%,高于同期整体医药出口增幅 2.25 个百分点;进口额 10.25 亿美元,同比小幅下挫 1.26%,较 2014年同期下滑 3.84 个百分点有所收窄。
  • 15个主要经济体医械创新力评估出炉
    一个国家医疗器械产业的创新能力不仅与该国的经济实力有关,更重要的是,与该国对医疗器械产业的重视程度、政策的扶持情况、对医疗卫生事业的投入和高等教育的发达程度有关。总部设在美国的普华永道( PWC)近期对巴西、中国、法国、德国、印度、以色列、日本、英国、俄罗斯、瑞士、美国等 15 个世界主要经济体医疗器械产业的创新能力进行了评估。结果显示,创新能力评分(评分标准为 9 分制, 1 分为最低, 9 分为最高)排在第一名的是美国,得分 7.1 分,而印度、中国、巴西等金砖国家的得分靠后。
  • 2015年中药材市场持续疲软
    报告指出,受各种因素影响, 2015 年中药材市场持续疲软,多数品种小涨大跌,需求萎靡不振,经营进入微利模式,资金不能及时周转成为常态,市场商家经营难度大大增加。

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