(报告加工时间:2023-10-30 -- 2023-11-12)



  • 全球机上餐饮服务市场展望预测(2023-2028年)
    In-flight catering services refer to the food and beverage options provided to passengers during the flights. These services are an important aspect of the overall passenger experience and can range from simple snacks to full-course meals, depending on the duration and class of flights. This market is a crucial component of the airline industry as it helps to enhance the overall customer experience. The flight catering industry is large, and its total market size is estimated at approximately $17.95 billion. The airline in-flight catering industry is a massive operational system, serving over one billion passengers annually. It is an intricate or detailed process involving a large-scale production unit employing over 800 staff, producing up to 25,000 meals daily during peak periods. International airlines with numerous daily takeoffs and landings require a substantial catering operation to meet the needs of their passengers. In addition, a single long-haul Boeing 747 requires over 40,000 items loaded onto it before departure, further highlighting the complexity of the airline catering industry.
  • 全球铁路入口系统市场展望和预测(2023-2028年)
    A rail entrance or door system grants entry access to rail transport. The automatic and manual IoT-based rail door systems are designed to be able to open and close automatically and manually. The application of IoT-based technologies for modern trains has a major benefit for the end-to-end system, along with the incorporation of subsystems that can be constructed with an architecture that supports flexible generation and easy collection of data. IoT has a potential effect on reliability and safety, and some areas where further investigation for IoT-based solutions can be effective in enhancing reliability and safety incorporate monitoring of train doors. Therefore, the rising use of automation and IoT in railways is expected to further drive the demand for rail entrance systems during the forecast period.


  • 海外市场行业:eVTOL飞行器,产品化进程加速
    事件:10 月13 日,亿航智能获得中国民航局颁发的EH216-S 无人驾驶载人飞行器 系统型号合格证。这是全球第一张无人驾驶载人电动垂直起降(eVTOL)飞行器的 型号合格证。以往各家公司公布的适航证获取,仅意味着单机得到适航许可,从而 可以测试飞行。而此次亿航智能EH216-S 型号合格证(TC)的获取,意味着其对飞 机设计的安全性和产品设计获得监管认可,产品化取得进展,在后续顺利获得生产 许可证(PC)及运营合格审定(类似运营许可证,OC)后有望进入商业运营阶段。
  • 商业运载火箭发展提速,打破商业航天运力瓶颈
    商业航天发展的瓶颈在火箭运力。商业航天产业链总体包括四个环节:1)电子元器件、材料及燃料厂商;2)卫星研制商、发射服务提供商和地面设备制造商;3)卫星运营商与卫星应用服务提供商;4)终端用户(政府、企事业单位、个人)。运载是进入空间的入口,是连接卫星制造及卫星应用的中枢环节,对比 spaceX 的运载能力,我国现役运载火箭运载能力偏低,急需大力发展中大型可重复使用液体运载火箭,来满足星座大规模部署所需的“低成本、高可靠、高频次”发射能力。
  • 中信建投___中航昌飞获重要指示,关注直升机型号节奏动向
    据中航工业报道,近日,习近平总书记亲临航空工业昌飞考察调研,考察 了直升飞机总装车间和试飞站,详细了解企业推进技术创新和产品迭代升 级的情况。习近平总书记指出,航空装备是我国制造业发展的一个重点。 要坚持创新驱动,在关键核心技术自主研发上下更大功夫,面向未来需求 出新品, 努力构建先进制造体系、打造世界一流直升机企业。
  • 军工行业23年三季报业绩综述:订单阶段性延迟,业绩增速放慢
    我们以申万国防军工一级行业成分股为基础,综合考虑公司产品特征与收入结构,筛选出 115 个军工行业重点标的作为本次业绩分析的样本。其中,按应用领域划分:航空 43 家、电子信息化 44 家、航天 12 家、兵器 10 家、舰船 6 家;按产业链环节划分:上游环节 29 家、中游环节 76 家、下游环节 10 家。文中相关数据均考虑中航电子和中航机电合并后结果。
  • 中信建投___航发板块景气持续,看好军工“十四五“下半场发展机遇
    截至10 月13 日,军工板块主要发布业绩预告的公司主要包括华秦科技、 智明达、中航重机、中航高科、安达维尔等。从三季报预告情况来看,华 秦科技预计2023 年前三季度归母净利润同比增长35.24%; 中航重机预 计前三季度归母净利润同比增长12.21%,航发板块公司增长较快。当前 军工板块正处于景气切换的关键节点,板块高性价比更加凸显,2023 年 军工国改有望密集落地,板块估值有望实现切换, 加配军工板块正当时。

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