(报告加工时间:2024-09-18 -- 2024-11-17)



  • 全球外墙市场报告(2024-2028年)
    A facade is an architectural term that usually refers to the building exterior. Facades primarily consist of roofing, ventilation louvers, and street awnings. Some common types of facades include cladding, siding, exterior insulation finishing systems, curtain walls, and others.
  • 全球预制室内楼梯市场展望预测 (2024-2029年)
    Staircases serve as both functional and decorative elements, connecting different levels within a structure while contributing significantly to the overall interior design. This market encompasses a wide range of staircase types, materials, and styles, reflecting the diverse preferences and evolving trends in architecture and interior design. The interior staircase market is influenced by various factors, such as the overall growth in the construction industry, changing consumer preferences, and advances in materials and manufacturing technologies.


  • 建材行业:头部企业压力中表现更优,看好估值修复+Q4价格弹性两条主线-专题研究-东方财富证券
    受下游需求影响,建材板块整体业绩有压力;水泥板块:Q3 整体延续下降趋势,头部企业价格成本把控能力更优;玻璃:Q3 降幅扩大,多元化企业收入降幅相对较小
  • 建筑工程行业:9月单月基建投资提速,地产投资、销售、新开工面积降幅均收窄-月度跟踪-海通证券
    下游及前瞻指标——广义、狭义单月基建投资增速均提升,房地产业边际改善, 制造业保持较高增长。2024 年 1-9 月,固定资产投资同增 3.4%,与 1-8 月增 速持平,停止下滑趋势;广义基建投资同比增长 9.3%,较 1-8 月增速上升 1.4pct; 狭义基建投资(即不含电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业)同比增长 4.1%, 较 1-8 月增速下降 0.3pct;其中,交通运输、仓储和邮政业投资同增 7.7%,电 力、热力、燃气及水的生产和供应业投资同增 24.8%,水利、环境和公共设施 管理业投资同增 2.8%。单月来看,2024 年 9 月单月广义基建投资同增 17.5%, 较 8 月增速大幅提升 11.31pct;9 月单月狭义基建投资同增 2.2%,较 8 月增速 上升 0.98pct,为今年 4 月以来单月增速首次加快。1-9 月房地产开发投资同降 10.1%,较 1-8 月降幅收窄 0.1pct。1-9 月制造业投资同增 9.2%,较 1-8 月增 速提升 0.1pct。

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