(报告加工时间:2018-05-28 -- 2018-06-18)


  • 行业月度报告-石化201804
    4 月,石油加工、炼焦及核燃料加工业规模以上工业增加值同比增长 6.2%,增速与上年同期相比转负为正;原油加工量4958 万吨,同比增长 11.5%,比上月加快 3.2 个百分点;原油生产1551 万吨,同比下降 2.3%。进出口方面,4 月我国成品油出口 512万吨,同比增长 46.5%;原油进口 3946.1 万吨,同比增长 14.8%。
  • 石化汇编-第859期
     改革开放 40 年来,虽然能源产量大幅提升,但由于经济总量的飞速跃升和人民生活水平的不断提升,我国对能源需求的增长远远超过了能源生产的增长,已经很难完全靠自身解决能源供给⃞而且在今天,开放合作是全球经济不可逆转的大趋势,要解决我国目前的能源供给,在立足自身发展的同时,深化能源全球合作是必然选择。


  • 厄瓜多尔石油和天然气报告 - 2018年第二季度
    The World Bank places Ecuador 114th in its ease of doing business list In a world where national oil companies have successfully managed the process of generating upstream activity and revenues while leveraging the expertise of international oil companies, Ecuador has so far failed to find the sweet spot between its national interests and international shareholder expectations. This has rendered China an increasingly dominant player in Ecuador's extractive sector over the past several years.
  • 白油市场分析及分部预测至2024年
    White oil is a highly refined and decolorized mineral oil that is generally obtained from paraffinic crude feedstock. White oil exhibits various performance attributes such as good hydrophobicity, zero odor & taste, and bio-stability, which makes it suitable to be utilized for a broad array of applications. Furthermore, white oil comprises low aromatic and sulfur content and can be blended with other oils so as to enhance the finishing of end-products. Technical, food, and medicinal are the key product grades of white oil available in the global market. The market study for white oil is segmented based on its consumption in diverse applications. Based on application, the market has been classified into key sectors including adhesives, polymer processing, textile, personal care, pharmaceutical, agriculture, food, and others.


  • 石油化工行业:天然气产业链长期景气向上
    我国天然气产量年均增速10%; 2000年以来我国天然气年均需求增速15%左右; 目前我国天然气进口依存度39%; 工业燃料、城市燃气、发电用气等是主要需求领域; 天然气价格以指导价为主。

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