制造业-医药制造业(2016年第 26 期)
(报告加工时间:2016-08-15 -- 2016-08-21)



  • 2012-2015中国境内医院并购活动回顾及展望
  • 医药竞争情报-第608期
    自去年 8 月国务院发布《改革药品医疗器械审评审批制度的意见》,启动仿制药质量一致性评价以来,制药领域便开启了一场同时间赛跑的拉锯战。根据国家食药监总局公布的时间表, 2018 年底之前,政策划定的 289 个仿制药品种,一万多个文号将面临生死劫,此次涉及到的 1800 多家药企,几乎涵盖了业内所有仿制药厂。日前,已有多地药企通过战略联盟的方式加以应对,未来三年我国制药行业将进入成本上升的阵痛期,如何从一致性评价中赢得弯道超车的机会,成为仿制药企面临的一项难题。
  • 县级医药市场,中国市场未来的机会
  • 生物科技产业资讯(2016年第7期)
    记者日前从权威渠道独家获悉,生物医药“十三五”规划已基本制定完成,按照相关工作流程,这一规划将在今年下半年正式出台。根据规划,“十三五”期间我国生物医药产业将重点发展重大疾病化学药物、生物技术药物、新疫苗、新型细胞治疗制剂等多个创新药物品类,同时发展生物 3D 打印技术等重大医疗技术。
  • 生物科技产业资讯(2016年第6期)
    面对疫苗新政之后出现的疫苗断流等问题,国家有关部门给出了实施的过渡期。昨天记者从食药监总局获悉,过渡期疫苗购销过程中,原疫苗经营企业在 2016 年 4 月 25 日前已购进的第二类疫苗可继续销售至各级疾病预防控制机构,由其进行供应;原疫苗经营企业 2017年 1 月 1 日起必须停止疫苗销售活动,向原发证的食品药品监督管理部门申请注销《药品经营许可证》或核减疫苗经营范围。


  • 全球止痛药市场报告(2016-2020年)
  • 全球诊断穿戴式医疗设备市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Diagnostic wearable medical devices are used to monitor, control, and track an individual's vital signs at regular intervals. These devices are connected to an individual’s body for the measurement of certain physiological information. They are available in the form of eyeglasses, watch, clothing, jewelry, and contact lenses. Diagnostic wearable medical devices monitor physiological data through remote or wireless communication and transmit this information to medical professionals or the user. These are autonomous, non-invasive devices that help assess specific medical functions such as blood pressure, body temperature, respiratory rate, glucose quantity, heart rate, and blood oxygen saturation. These devices also help determine parameters such as the heart rate, muscle activity, and calories burned during exercise and activities such as walking and jogging.
  • 全球疼痛治疗药物市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Pain is defined as a complex medical problem that can have profound effects not only on one's physical but also mental well-being. Pain management is a branch of medicine, which employs approach for easing the suffering and improving the quality of life of individuals suffering from pain. It can be simple or complex type, depending on the cause of pain. Pain management comprises of a variety of skills and techniques used for the treatment of pain.
  • 全球甲型H1N1流感疫苗市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The global H1N1 vaccines market is growing at a moderate rate and is expected to post a CAGR of 4.17% during the forecast period. In 2015, the major revenue contributor to this market was the Americas, followed by EMEA. However, there are major opportunities for the market in APAC to grow at a rapid rate, and increase its revenue contribution to the global market.

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