(报告加工时间:2023-05-22 -- 2023-05-28)



  • 全球虚拟临床试验市场报告展望预测(2022-2027年)
    Virtual clinical trials are also known as decentralized clinical trials or remote clinical trials in the healthcare industry. Virtual clinical trials are defined as the deployment of a wide range of digital technologies and tools to collect safe and effective data from participants. In virtual clinical trials, specific digital technologies are prominently used in data collection, such as wearable or sensor devices, telemedicine, eCOA, ePRO, eConsent. In the past few years, the adoption of virtual clinical trials witnessed massive increase due to its benefits, which led to a shift toward technology implementation in clinical trial activities.
  • 全球防打鼾设备市场报告展望预测(2022-2027年)
    Snoring is a hoarse or jarring sound produced when air vibrates as it breathes past the relaxed tissue of the throat. Most people sometimes snore, but it can be a chronic problem for some. Sometimes it may indicate a serious health condition. When the air is forced through a congested area, the soft tissues of the mouth, nose, and throat collide with each other and vibrate. The vibration produces a rattling, snorting, or humming sound. Snoring can interfere with sleep. It can also bother the person’s partner.
  • 全球多参数患者监护市场报告展望预测(2023-2028年)
    Continuous monitoring o patients’ parameters such as heart rate and rh thm, respiratory rate, blood-oxygen saturation, blood pressure, and many other parameters has increasingly become important for critically ill patients in healthcare settings. Patient monitoring systems are used to monitor patients’ vital signs. During treatment, it is highly important to continuously monitor the vital physiological signs of patients. Therefore, there is high demand for patient monitoring devices in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. The continuous improvement in technology not onl improved access to patients’ vital signs, ut it has also simpli ied the diagnostic process and, as a result, raised the monitoring efficiency of patients.
  • 全球个人护理电器市场报告展望预测(2023-2028年)
    Nowadays, electrical appliances are the easiest, most comfortable, and most timesaving devices. These electrical appliances are the most advanced modern appliances used for daily purposes. Through a combination of these factors, vendors have introduced personal care electrical appliances in the market. Personal care electrical appliances are typically powered by electricity and may include rechargeable batteries for cordless use. They may also have various features and attachments, such as different speed or heat settings, interchangeable heads or blades, and timers or sensors.
  • 全球精子分离设备市场报告展望预测(2023-2028年)
    Sperm separation devices are simple and effective laboratory tools to separate motile, healthy, and stronger sperm units for fertilization and study. Sperm separation devices are easy to use and reliable in lab procedures that increase clinical and study outcomes. Sperm health has been a growing concern worldwide recently due to the increased factors that impact sperm health and the reproductive health of men population. With the increased infertility prevalence among the male population, the demand for sperm separation devices increased in studies, laboratories, healthcare settings, research institutes, biopharma industries, and academic institutes.
  • 全球医学美学市场市场展望预测(2022-2027年)
    Medical aesthetics or aesthetic medicine includes a comprehensive range of treatments that alter the cosmetic appearance of individuals by removing scars, skin laxity, wrinkles, moles, liver spots, excess fat, cellulite, unwanted hair, skin discoloration, and spider veins. The minimally invasive aesthetic medicine procedures that minimize the signs of aging include surgical procedures such as liposuction, facelifts, breast implants, and radiofrequency ablation. The non-surgical aesthetic medicine procedures include radiofrequency skin tightening, non-surgical liposuction, chemical peel, and high-intensity focused electromagnetic field. Also, most aesthetic procedures have a low incidence of adverse effects and a short recovery period compared to regular surgical procedures.
  • 全球专业卫生市场报告展望预测(2023-2028年)
    For over a century, vendors in the cleaning and maintenance products industry have delivered products that clean and disinfect to ensure optimal levels of hygiene and ensure high living standards and life expectancy. Proper hygiene is critical to prevent infections and the transmission of superbugs in hospitals and medical centers, food processing factories, dairies, restaurants, and other places where food is handled daily. Thus, regular cleaning and disinfection are essential to prevent the transmission of food-borne illnesses and other pathogens in schools, sports centers, shops, offices, hotels, and restaurants and make these professional spaces more agreeable for people to work in and be more productive.
  • 全球 AI 支持的医学成像解决方案市场研究报告预测(2023-2029年)
    The multitude of diagnostic modalities available at present has increased the complexity of clinical decision making which has further emerged as a major risk factor in clinical practice For instance, the advent of multimodality clinical workflows has though provided a plethora of new knowledge and information for the clinicians but also pushed the boundaries of their cognitive capacity The sophisticated tools and diagnostic imaging procedures not only influence the decision quality but also hamper the selection of communication channels and the adoption of new technologies These complexities often result in misdiagnosis and might also lead to discrepancies in designing an individualized treatment regimen for the patients


  • 口腔护理行业:规模稳增、新品迭出,国产品牌焕新机-专题报告
    口腔清洁护理行业的市场规模稳步扩张,新品类增长可期。2017-2021年国内口腔清洁护理行业规模从388.5亿扩张 至521.7亿元,复合增速为7.7%。其中2021年牙膏/牙刷的市场规模分别达到311.6亿元/176.7亿元,占比 59.7%/33.9%。核心品类牙膏均价稳步增长,价格带天花板较高,为消费升级的受益品种,主要由于牙膏消费频率 低,单次消费金额不高,消费者对提价不敏感;此外随着消费者口腔健康护理意识增强,对产品功能需求个性化, 新成分产品如酵素美白牙膏、益生菌牙膏等普遍定价中高端,价格带继续向上延伸。新品类电动牙刷、漱口水/液规 模达到90.2亿元、25亿元,2017-2021年的复合增速27.3%、45.7%。随着消费者消费观念升级以及产品价格带趋 于丰富,新产品近年市场规模快速扩张。
  • 医药行业:密切关注CXO板块估值修复机会-月报
    行业基本面看,维生素A 和E 的价格基本维持在底部,目前还没有看到价格上涨的催化因素;维生素B3 因为供需缺口,价格呈现上涨态势;中药原材料价格大部分还维持在高位,一季报中药企业业绩表现靓丽,政策持续向好;眼科赛道复苏明确,一季报业绩靓丽,23 年业绩可期;CXO 板块目前处于低估状态,海外融资数据或有好转,加之美联储加息周期或将结束,板块整体有望迎来反弹;创新药板块新药临床数据进入密集读出期,长期向好。
  • 医药行业:守正创新,行稳致远-2023年中期投资策略
    截至2023/4/28,中信医药PE(TTM,剔除负值)为26.11X,医药板块估值溢价率为127.70%,处于2010年以来的偏下位置,性价比大幅提升。2023年第一季度,公募基金重仓医药行业的比例为11.24%,持仓比例低于10年平均水平(13.58%),医药板块的投资潜力亟待挖掘。 截至2022年末,基本医疗保险基金累计结存42,540.73亿元;2022年中以来医保谈判降价温和,集采降价悲观情绪趋缓。从医药流通、化学制剂、化学原料药、中成药这几个子行业来看,2023年第一季度营业总收入同比增速均出现了显著提升,归母净利润也基本实现较好的增长,业绩反弹曙光初现。
  • 医药行业:行业复苏势头显著,创新打开未来空间-2023年中期投资策略报告
    整体观点:我们看好医药板块2023年行情,医药板块整体震荡,中药、化学制剂和商业表现突出,板块配置仍具备性价比。 1、生产端:Q1受到一月影响,预计后续复苏更显著。2023年1-3月医药制造业累计实现营业收入6740.9亿元,同比下降2.8%, 实现利润总额892.2亿元,同比下降16.3%,我们判断主要受到一月份影响,预计后续复苏将更加显著。 2、支付端:2023年1-2月基本医疗保险基金支出同比大幅增长。2023年1-2月基本医疗保险基金(含生育保险)总收入5955 亿元,同比增长11%;基本医疗保险基金(含生育保险)总支出3480.49亿元,同比增长25%,其中职工医保支出、居民医保 支出分别同比增长25.1%与24.7%。医保支出资金的大幅增长侧面印证诊疗及药品销售的复苏态势明显。 3、零售端:2023年Q1中西药品当月零售额增长强劲。1月受到疫情影响,当月零售额大幅增长;2、3月有所回落,但整体增 速仍高于社零。
  • 医药生物行业:行业整体业绩表现不佳,关注中药板块投资机会-2022年及2023年Q1业绩总结
    2022 年医药生物行业实现营业总收入2.48 万亿元,同比增长9.54%,实现归母净利润1939.73 亿元,同比下滑6.33%。从二级子行业看,医疗器械和医疗服务板块业绩亮眼,2022 年分别实现营业总收入3104.83 亿元、1851.54 亿元,同比增速分别为21.57%、32.88%,实现归母净利润分别为773.02 亿元、265.98 亿元,同比增速分别为16.85%、41.26%;生物制品和中药板块表现不佳,归母净利润同比下滑分别为54.90%、37.93%。
  • 医药行业:高尿酸血症及痛风的创新药竞争格局分析-创新药疾病透视系列行业研究第7期
    高尿酸血症(HUA,Hyperuricemia)是由于血液中尿酸水平过高而引起的一种代 谢性疾病,通常会导致痛风、尿酸肾病等疾病,且极易引起包括高血压、脂肪肝、慢 性肾病和心脑血管等并发症。

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