(报告加工时间:2014-04-07 -- 2014-04-27)



  • 2014年电力设备行业发展报告(预测篇)
    2013 年,受国内经济增长乏力影响,我国电力设备制造业发展速度有所放慢。从供求看,发电设备和输变电设备发展出现分化,其中受电源投资放缓影响发电设备产量出现下降,而主要输变电设备在电网建设加速带动下产量稳步增长;从投资看,下游需求的疲软导致企业投资动力不足,行业固定资产投资增速明显放慢。但值得欣喜的是,国家行业结构优化升级政策效果初显,行业效益有所回升,行业主营业务收入和利润增速有所提高。综合来看,预计2014 年,电力设备制造业下游需求将继续改善,出口将稳步增长,同时在政府调控和市场倒逼机制作用下,行业结构将持续优化。但也要看到,未来行业产能过剩的状况将依然存在,低价竞争仍会是企业市场竞争的重要手段,大部分电力设备制造企业经营效益依然会低位徘徊,行业未来发展形势依然较为严峻。


  • 全球无损检测设备市场报告(2014-2018年)
    NDT equipment is used to examine or evaluate the properties of an object, material, or system without damaging it. This equipment is used in various applications, including weld verification and structural mechanics, across industries such as Automotive, Aerospace, Oil and Gas, and Power Generation. The Global NDT Equipment market is growing at a steady pace and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.92 percent during the period 2013-2018. The majority of the market growth stems from North America, followed by Europe. The production of NDT equipment systems has recently gained momentum because of growing demand for such equipment.
  • 全球气体绝缘开关设备市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Switchgears are a combination of several components such as circuit breakers, lightning arrestors, current transformers, protection panels, and disconnectors. They are used to effectively control and distribute electric power across industrial premises in order to protect electrical circuits and equipment from unregulated power spikes. On the basis of materials used, switchgears can be classified as gas insulated switchgears, air insulated switchgears, oil insulated switchgears, and vacuum insulated switchgears.


  • 链驱动机器人的真实世界触觉传递率分析
    Recently, a real-world haptics which transmits a haptic sensation in real-world has been actively researched. Conventional research of real-world haptics often used low-degree of freedom system. However to transmit human-like haptic information, multi-degrees of freedom robot should be used. On the other hand, general hand robot as multi-degrees of freedom robot often used force sensor. The force sensor can not get the force information which is applied from other points. Therefore, in this research, bilateral control is applied to chain-driven hand robot. Bilateral control based on disturbance observer and reaction force observer can obtain all force information which is applied to robot. The chain-driven robot has some friction and backlash because of chain and gear. These causes of degradation haptic transmission. Thus, in this research, haptic sensation is transmitted by chained driven hand robot. Then, it is analyzed how haptic information the chain-driven robot transits by using transmissibility. Transmissibility is calculated by experiment.
  • 任务规划进行过程中人机接口控制器的可用性
    Unmanned ground and air vehicles (UGVs and UAVs) embody a critical capability of future U.S. Army systems and will be used for force projection and as force multipliers. They are expected to operate in a semiautonomous fashion, in which an operator will lay out a mission plan for the vehicle to execute with little or no operator interaction; the operator s function will be to monitor the progress of the unmanned systems. If the situational demands exceed the capabilities of the vehicle, the operator will need to intervene to complete the mission by either changing the mission plan or by assuming direct control of the vehicle by teleoperation until the vehicle can resume semiautonomous operation.
  • 基于稳定的地面反作用力和速度限制对双足机器人的位置控制
    This paper implements position control of a biped robot via velocity control with automatically generated joint torque and velocity limits so as to have zero overshoot of the COM and sliding, tipping and twisting of the robots feet while allowing the COM to move in mimimum time to a refferential position. This method allows the position controller to be robust to external disturbances and is able to reject the maximum amount of external force without letting the feet tip over(not unnecesserily compliant like some methods). This method is also general in the sense that all 6 axes can have ground reaction force limits so sliding, twisiting and tipping of the feet can be prevented. Also this method does not require a refferential ZMP trajectory. Friction and coriollis forces are detected via a type of workspace disturbance observer. Knowledge of the magnitude of this disturbance allows the motor torques to be limited so that the total ground reaction force doesnt lead to unstable conditions at the feet. The proposed method with velocity limits is verified on the biped robot MARI-3 and it is shown that overshoot is eliminated while being compliant to external disturbances.
  • 机器人驱动马达特性测试计划——PackBot现代化项目
    A test plan to measure voltage and current of active drive motors on a small robot under repeatable test conditions. Several positive and negative slope conditions are included.
  • 人机混合团队的认知与自主性的优化策略
    No abstract available.
  • 一种新型爬树机器人:Treebot1
  • 人机交互:意图识别和相互牵引
    Waltz is a typical example of physical human-human interaction (pHHI) in a well-structured environment. Waltz involves two dancers. The goal is to reproduce the female dancer's abilities with a robot in pHRI. The project focused on the lower level interaction in pHRI, i.e., coupled dynamics, and proposed a framework which covers modeling, analysis, human state sensing and robot control in developing a cooperative female robot dancer. The two dancers' coupled dynamics was modeled as two physically connected inverted pendulums. Stability of this two pendulum system was analyzed. The human state was measured by two laser range sensors, while the measurement noise and bias were corrected by a Kalman filter. Several candidate robot controllers were discussed and evaluated in experiments.

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