(报告加工时间:2024-05-28 -- 2024-11-03)


  • 中国家具出海,从制造走向跨境电商销售,品牌化进行中
    中国家具出海到了什么阶段?产品出海可以分为三大阶段:中国制造(代工)→中国销售/品牌→中国渠道,其中:1)家具出海已从中国制造升级到以跨境电商为主的中国售卖(以亚马逊等三方电商渠道销售为 主的平台卖家),傲基科技、致欧科技、恒林股份领跑中国卖家;2)从铺货式售卖到精品式售卖、品牌化售卖正在进行中,致欧领先;3)暂未出现类似宜家或SHEIN之类的中国家具/家居零售渠道出海巨头。


  • 全球地理围栏市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Geofencing is a virtual perimeter generated around a fixed location or moving object, which helps track, monitor, and detect the devices entering and exiting the defined perimeter.
  • 全球出入口门和面板市场展望报告(2024-2029年)
    The growth in security concerns has fuelled the market for door-related hardware, including prosperity, urbanization, and increasing construction output with high demand for doors and related accessories, access control systems, and components. The security solutions for doors have also grown, and developments have been witnessed to meet the unique and diversified needs of commercial facilities with huge foot traffic.
  • 全球家具市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Furniture can be termed as movable objects such as desks, chairs, and beds, which support various human activities such as sitting, sleeping, working, eating, and storage. They can be placed in a residential or commercial environment. Furniture is primarily made from materials such as wood, metal, glass, and plastic. Its primary usability is to make any residential or commercial environment suitable for human habitat.
  • 全球预制室内楼梯市场展望预测 (2024-2029年)
    Staircases serve as both functional and decorative elements, connecting different levels within a structure while contributing significantly to the overall interior design. This market encompasses a wide range of staircase types, materials, and styles, reflecting the diverse preferences and evolving trends in architecture and interior design. The interior staircase market is influenced by various factors, such as the overall growth in the construction industry, changing consumer preferences, and advances in materials and manufacturing technologies.


  • 轻工出口&跨境电商数据点评(2024 年 6 月)
     分品类来看,补库逻辑下多数轻工品类 24 年 6 月出口总额增速同比上行趋势延 续,但环比来看增速略有放缓,多数品类客单价有所下滑。线上销售数据显示 美亚多数品类表现出色,亚马逊美国站家具行业 24 年 6 月销售额同比增速持续 向上,主要系销量增幅明显,以量换价趋势延续。                                

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