(报告加工时间:2018-07-16 -- 2018-07-22)



  • 中国农业问题报告与分析-第460期
    农业农村部日前表示,在全面总结 12316 经验做法和试点的基础上,2017年开始在18 个省市开展整省推进示范,已有20.4 万个村已经建立了益农信息社,占全国行政村的 1/3,为农民提供公益服务 8250 万人次、便民服务 2.9 亿人次,覆盖面不断扩大、功能不断拓展,深受基层干部群众的欢迎,已经成为农业农村信息服务的突破口。
  • 中国农业问题报告与分析-第459期
    国务院总理李克强 6 月 27 日主持召开国务院常务会议,听取深入推进“互联网+农业”促进农村一二三产业融合发展情况汇报。


  • 商业种子市场分析和分段预测到2025年
    Commercial seeds include crops that are sown for production of an intended crop or used as animal feed or industrial raw material. Commercial seeds yield higher output, the declining global arable land due to rapid urbanization acts as a driver for the demand of commercial seeds. The conventional seeds include corn, soybean, vegetable, cereals, cotton, rice and canola.
  • 阿根廷农业部门报告(2018-2019年)
    Argentina is one of the world's largest producers and exporters of cereals and oilseeds and it is also among the ten biggest beef and poultry meat producers on a global scale. The agriculture sector has a key socio-economic role for Argentina, accounting for 5.6% of the GDP, 5.4% of the formal employment and 29.3% of the national exports in 2017. Yet, during the year the sector’s exports fell by 0.8% y/y, due to lower external sales of oilseeds. The removal of export tariffs and quotas on key agricultural products in 2015 triggered a much needed restructuring process in the crop industry towards production of cereals at the expense of soybean. Despite the negative short-term effect on exports, this process will support the product diversification of the crop industry and reduce the high dependence of the country on soybean exports.

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