(报告加工时间:2017-07-10 -- 2017-07-23)


  • 行业月度报告-智能制造201705
    5 月,高端装备制造业主要子行业进出口情况出现分化。当月,航空装备出口额、进口额同比分别下降 13.39%、增长59.59%;轨道交通装备出口额、进口额同比分别增长 55.68%、下降43.69%;船舶工业出口额、进口额同比分别增长 46.19%、135.87%。智能制造方面,1~ 4 月,工业机器人产量同比增长 47.3%,继续保持快速增长势头。
  • 国防军工行业:军民融合加速推进,下半年看好“民参军-中小市值组军民融合中期策略...
    2017 年上半年,中证军工指数跑输沪深 300 合计 23 个百分点,一方面是由于金融监管及去杠杆,市场风险偏好降低,市场出现整体回调下,高估值高 β 的军工板块首当其冲;另一方面是军工板块行情多为事件驱动,随诸多催化因素兑现,利好落地成利空。从过去 5-10 年来看,60xPE是军工板块的底部区域,90xPE 为估值中枢,目前军工板块大约85xPE,整体回落至中枢水平,但估值压力依然较大。
  • 行业月度报告-船舶201705
    5 月,新船市场行情逐渐转好,订单量降幅明显收窄,累计订单量达 986 万载重吨,同比下降 31.5%,降幅较上月收窄达20 个百分点;在新船市场小幅反弹的带动下,我国造船完工量增速上涨,完工量达到 2293 万载重吨,同比增长 78.8%;手持订单量进一步消耗,已减至 8515 万载重吨;新船价格指数与上月持平,细分船型市场表现尚不明朗;出口额大幅上涨,累计增速有所回升;本月船企经营绩效较为乐观,带动利润率翻倍上涨。


  • 全球电动自行车市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The e-bike technology has developed gradually. Earlier, e-bikes were bulky because of the use of lead-acid batteries; however, with the use of nickel–metal hydride, nickel–cadmium cell, or lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries in newer models, the weight of e-bikes has reduced significantly. These batteries are lighter with increased capacity, and thus improve the performance of the bikes in terms of range and speed. In 2001, e-bikes with pedal-assist and power-assist systems were introduced. A typical e-bike requires 7-9 hours to charge the battery, providing a range of 25-30 miles with a speed of 20 mph.
  • 全球直升机场市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The global heliports market was valued at $485.4 million in the year 2015 and isexpected to grow at a CAGR of 2.36% during the forecast period. Withadvancements in designs (rooftop, tabletop, and floating decks) and improvedfeatures in construction materials such as lightweight, highly durable, and corrosionresistance materials replacing the old concrete models, this market is expected to witness an upsurge in the coming years.
  • 全球快速攻击艇市场报告(2017-2021年)
    FAC are small, fast, agile, and attack-capable warships, which are armed with anti-ship missiles, guns, or torpedoes. FAC are generally operated in the coastal regions as they lack the defensive capabilities to survive in the blue waters. The major benefit of such ships over other warships is their affordability and speed. These boats, when armed with guided missiles, are capable of posing threats to even large capital ships.Technavio expects the global FAC market to grow at a CAGR of 2.14% during the forecast period. In 2015, EMEA led the market with a share of 38%, followed by APAC with a share of 35.78%, and the Americas with a share of 26.22%. Over the forecastperiod, the countries in APAC are expected to be the fastest growing market for the FAC with a major share of expenses from India, China, Japan, North Korea, and South Korea.
  • 全球商用飞机机翼市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Before designing an aircraft wing, the primary step taken is the designing the airfoil, which is the horizontal cross-section of the wing. The structure of the airfoil plays a vital role in deriving the type and limitations of the aircraft. For instance, aircraft wing with thick airfoils generate more drag than the thin airfoils, therefore, aircraft with thick airfoils are not preferred for long-haul flights.
  • 全球商用飞机航空电子系统市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Avionic systems are a combination of electro-mechanical and electronic systems, which allow effective operation of aircraft. Each avionic system depends on electronic devices for its functioning. For instance, the fly-by-wire control system depends on digital computers for its operation. Avionic systems provide pilots with data such as aircraft altitude, airstream incidence, and air speed using air data sensors, aircraft motion using accelerometers, control stick sensor assembly, and rate gyros. Avionics include communication systems, cockpit display systems, control and monitoring systems, navigation systems, and other electro-mechanical arrangements.
  • 全球企业VSAT卫星通信市场报告(2017-2021年)
    This report covers the present scenario and growth prospects of the global enterprise very small aperture terminal (VSAT) market for 2017-2021. The report considers the revenue obtained from the following:Sales of VSAT terminals used in the enterprise segment. VSAT equipment includes VSAT antenna dishes, indoor units, and outdoor units.VSAT connectivity services used by enterprises for environmental monitoring,seismic monitoring, corporate networks, and distance learning. Revenues are also generated from services provided for telecom backhaul networks, telemedicine,disaster recovery, remote video monitoring, and Internet access.Services, including installation and maintenance support of enterprise VSAT terminals.In addition, the report discusses major drivers that influence the growth of the globalenterprise VSAT market. It also outlines challenges faced by vendors and the market at large, as well as the key emerging trends.

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