Xenon is naturally available in the atmosphere in trace amounts and is more expensive than other noble gases. With about eight stable isotopes and more than 40 unstable isotopes, the gas, despite the limited availability and high price, is used for certain exclusive applications such as.
Polyarylsulfone is an amorphous high-temperature thermoplastic, which has low moisture absorption, superior resistance to chemicals, good strength, and high temperature resistance. The global polyarylsulfones market is expected to grow at a steady rate, posting a CAGR of 6.34% during the forecast period. North America dominated the market in 2014 because of an increase in demand from the medical and automobile industries. North America was followed by APAC and Europe in 2014.
Mercury, also known as quicksilver, is primarily extracted from cinnabar rock or mercuric sulfide. Vermillion, a reddish pigment, is the purest form of mercuric sulfide, which is a chemical compound composed of mercury and sulfur. Mercury remains in liquid form at standard temperature and pressure conditions, which is a unique property of this metal. It has an atomic number of 80. It is a hazardous metal and can be poisonous, as it acts as a contaminant. Inhalation of mercury vapor can be fatal.
Ferric chloride (FeCl3) is used as a coagulant, mostly in the form of a liquid (40% solution) in the application of wastewater and sewage water treatment (domestic and industrial). FeCl3 is also used in the application of PCB manufacturing. Industrially, ferric chloride is much more important than ferrous chloride. It is industrially produced by a high-temperature reaction of dry chlorine with scrap iron (direct chlorination). It is also a by-product of some metallurgical and chemical processes, such as the chlorinating decomposition of iron-bearing oxide ores.