(报告加工时间:2014-01-01 -- 2014-05-18)


  • 行业月度报告——轻工(2014年2月)
    2014年2月,虽然经济增长放缓给轻工行业带来不利影响,但行业仍然在大力拓展国内外消费市场,积极推进产业转型升级的基础上,总体保持平稳运行。与此同时,轻工行业进出口额整体保持稳定,行业经济运行质量总体有所改善,但细分行业差异化明显。 行业未来发展在保持行业稳定增长的前提下,将集中在产业结构优化上,而消费升级、城镇化进程加快、社会消费水平的提升则给行业发展提供了稳固的需求基础,预计2014年轻工行业规模以上企业产品销售收入将达到23万亿元,同比增长14%左右。
  • 家居行业季度分析报告——2013年第4季度
  • 家居行业季度分析报告——2013年第3季度


  • 全球家居市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Home furnishing comprises furniture, household textiles, and floor coverings. It includes curtains, draperies, blinds, shades, kitchenware, outdoor furniture, home and personal care appliances, floor coverings, accessories, and decorative items. Home furnishing goods are made from materials such as wood, plastic, and metal. The Home Furnishing market is expected to benefit from consumers seeking higher-quality products. Rising consumer confidence, an increase in disposable incomes, the booming Real Estate industry, and growing demand for luxury home furnishing products are some of the factors contributing to the growth the market worldwide.
  • 全球乳胶床垫市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Latex mattresses are the latest product introduced in the Bedding industry. Mattresses that contain latex are extremely comfortable and can provide relief from back pain and other spinerelated health issues. The foam in the mattress contours itself to the curves of an individual's body and distributes his/her body weight over the entire sleeping surface, providing continuous orthopedic support. These mattresses are also non-allergenic and resistant to bacteria, mites, mold, mildew, and other odor-causing germs found in other mattresses present in the market. Hence, this is an ideal choice for people prone to allergies as they tend to be antimicrobial and hypoallergenic.

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