(报告加工时间:2016-09-18 -- 2016-09-25)


  • 2015年中国虚拟现实行业研究报告
  • 2014-2015中国微商研究报告


  • 欧洲课程设置和数据管理市场报告(2016-2020年)
    In the educational institutions in Europe, media is being integrated with education to enhance and support collaborative learning, and they are also using tools such as flipcharts and interactive data. These incorporations and developments are the major factors fueling the demand for education hardware and software. Digital video systems have revolutionized traditional modes of teaching. Educational institutions, especially in Eastern European countries, are focusing on using collaborative learning methods in classrooms. This demand for advanced teaching methods will increase the penetration of education technology in the region.
  • 全球IT安全即服务市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The global IT security as a service market is growing steadily as cloud services remain the most promising market over the decade. Organizations can reduce risks by virtualizing applications and users, and integrating data leak protection functions into a secure cloud-hosted environment. This enables users to experience an improved traditional environment, while the data remain in on premise end-point.
  • 全球电视和电影商品市场报告(2016-2020年)
  • 全球工业数据采集系统市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Data acquisition systems collect data from field devices like sensors or transmitters on parameters such as temperature, voltage, current, sound, and pressure through a wired or wireless network. Initially, data acquisition systems were mechanical devices with smoked drums or chart recorders. With advances in technologies, electrically powered chart recorders and magnetic tape recorders have emerged in the market. Now, the market has powerful microprocessors and computer-based data acquisition systems that perform complex data processing and represent the data as actionable indicators.
  • 全球无衬标签市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Labels are primarily printed pieces of paper, film, polymer, or other materials affixed to a product, or imprinted on the package or the body of a product, which contains important information about the product and company. There are different types of labels available in the market with different features, such as pressure-sensitive, inmold, and heat-shrink. Often the terms 'packaging' and 'labeling' are used together as each package contains a label. Hence, numerous manufacturers in this market are also engaged in the production of packaging products to meet the increasing consumer needs. Digital labels are gaining popularity in many retail outlets.
  • 全球工业数据采集系统市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Data acquisition systems collect data from field devices like sensors or transmitters on parameters such as temperature, voltage, current, sound, and pressure through a wired or wireless network. Initially, data acquisition systems were mechanical devices with smoked drums or chart recorders. With advances in technologies, electrically powered chart recorders and magnetic tape recorders have emerged in the market. Now, the market has powerful microprocessors and computer-based data acquisition systems that perform complex data processing and represent the data as actionable indicators.
  • 全球统一通信和协作市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The global market is gradually experiencing the transition from legacy telephony services and messaging platforms to new UC&C services and platforms. We expect more number of global deployments of UC&C in coming years, driven by growing popularity of applications, such as rich collaboration, mobility, video conferencing, and telepresence. Business process integration and social media communications have become the primary focus of enterprises. Companies seek low-cost solutions, such as BYOD and web real-time communications (WebRTC) to deploy UC&C solutions.
  • 全球农场管理软件市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Farm management software includes all the software used for various processes involved in agriculture like crop management, inventory management, financial calculations and analysis, and customer management. The software is cloud-based or installed on-premises. This software allows farmers to gather data from farm equipment to detect soil containing nitrogen, water requirements, and leveling of surface for cultivation. This information is fed into the software to help farmers make real-time decisions for cultivation and other financial aspects.
  • 全球共享服务市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The concept of shared services was designed to manage single or multiple functions of business units by sharing information and resources. SSCs manage the functions of business units of organizations. SSCs can be set up anywhere on the globe depending on the business requirements of clients. However, the location of SSCs is a strategic decision taken by an organization to extract the maximum benefits of the services. The idea behind the implementation of shared services is to provide a centralized system for organizations to control and monitor their operational processes and resources. Shared services enable organizations to make important business decisions and provide scalability and flexibility in transactional processes.
  • 亚太地区LED芯片电路板市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Although the traditional surface-mounted device (SMD) LED light sources were energy efficient, they had disadvantages such as the lesser spread of lighting, glare effects, higher heat generation, and low lifespan. COB LEDs are advanced LED lighting sources in which many LEDs are packaged in a single module. These LEDs are manufactured using techniques such as wire bonding, die attachment, and encapsulation. Furthermore, COB LEDs do not require a designated circuit for proper functioning, which makes it easier to install them.


  • 齐星铁塔(002359)-卡位专网频带资源,着眼物联网广阔空间
    公司坚持“以市场为导向,以客户为中心”的经营方针,近两年持续加大技术研发投入,注重加大国内外市场开发力度,规模效应显现。公司整体业务的毛利率水平自15 年有大幅的提高。顺应“一带一路”战略,积极配合国家战略实施, 开发具有广阔的发展前景的非洲市场,随着非洲经济的发展和固定资产投资的提升,公司铁塔业务也有望在非洲获得新的发展机遇。
  • 百川资讯VIP信息服务周刊-炭素专刊-20160918期
    本周,中国预焙阳极市场成交活跃,现货供应紧张的状态本周没有缓解,成交价格平稳。由于中央环保监察而停产的地区,河南省郑州地区,大部分企业在进行焙烧炉的煤改气的工程,80%以上企业计划9 月20 左右改造完成,然后省相关部分检查验收合格,拿到合格文件后方可开工,预计最晚9 月底,将进入正常生产。内蒙古、宁夏等地区的企业目前正在烘炉预计10 月可以出产品。9 月20 日中央监察小组计划入驻山东地区,届时企业将有减产的风险。截止9 月18 日,预焙阳极低端出厂含税价2500-2780 元/吨,高端价格2630-2930 元/吨。
  • 计算机行业:规模空前的国家网络安全宣传周开幕在即,网络安全板块迎布局良机-周报
    上周计算机指数下跌3.49%,沪深300 指数下跌2.39%,创业板指数下跌2.65%。虽然计算机行业中报整体净利润增长22.6%,但考虑中报处于并表高峰,年底业绩将开始回落。受监管收紧,未来行业外延并购进程和力度均将受到影响,计算机行业增速将进一步回落。假定20%的利润增长,则目前行业16 年整体估值仍然近60 倍左右,未来行业消化估值需要寻找EPS 增长最快的垂直方向。
  • 百川资讯VIP信息服务周刊-煤炭专刊-20160918期
    截止9 月18 日,全国动力煤BTCI 价格指数396 元/吨,较上周上涨24元/吨;全国炼焦煤BCCI 价格指数631 元/吨,较上周上涨16 元/吨;全国无烟煤BACI 价格指数604 元/吨,较上周上涨20 元/吨;全国喷吹煤BPCI价格指数583 元/吨,较上周上涨37 元/吨。
  • 百川资讯VIP信息服务周刊-煤化工专刊-第20160918期
    本周(9.9-9.18)煤焦油市场成交走低,波动幅度40-160 元/吨不等,山西下滑空间较大,截止本周末主产区主流1460-1750 元/吨。下游深加工、炭黑企业生产积极性不高,部分检修或限产,需求面较少,打压情绪浓,焦企开工负荷高,因下游接货意向欠佳形成一定库存,在招标利空影响下,新单成交走低。随着原料的下滑,下游厂家买涨不买跌情绪浮现,低位采购心态趋浓,华北、华东、河南、陕西焦企以降为主。其它地区偏稳运行。
  • 百川资讯VIP信息服务周刊-液化气专刊-第20160918期
    本周(9 月9 日-9 月18 日),周初由于9 月2 日美国库存意外大降,油价收盘暴涨,但之后由于供应过剩的担忧加剧及美国活跃钻井数的增加等利空因素影响,油价震荡下跌至低位,截止16 日由于伊朗出口加重市场供应过剩担忧令WTI 原油期货价格再度重挫下跌至43.03 美元/桶。整体来看,本周国际原油期货价格较上周有小幅上涨,其中WTI期货均价45.03 美元/桶,较上周上涨1.23%,较8 月上涨0.36%;本周布伦特期货均价47.38 美元/桶,较上周上涨0.52%,较8 月上涨0.46%。


  • 基于消费者感知价值理论的民营宽带运营商发展策略研究
    在借鉴国内外学者理论研究成果的基础上,通过对家庭宽带用户的访谈调研,提出假设并构建概念模型。通过问卷发放、数据收集,并利用 SPSS17.0 及 AMOS18.0软件对变量相关性及影响路径进行实证研究,最终确定影响消费者对民营宽带购买意愿的 4 个要素:感知质量、感知影响力、感知成本、感知风险,并研究了各变量内部及变量之间的相互关系,最后对民营宽带运营商的价值提升策略提出对策建议。    
  • 基于校企合作的高职物联网应用技术专业人才培养模式研究

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