(报告加工时间:2015-11-01 -- 2015-12-13)


  • 半导体行业:物联网风云渐起,全球半导体整合加速
  • 半导体行业:万事俱备,中国大陆集成电路迎重要发展机遇
  • ZTBGGDZB-中国制造2025——工业机器人应用趋势研究-高端装备(201511)
  • 中经网行业月度报告-工程机械201506
  • 中经网行业月度报告-工程机械201503
    1~3 月,工程机械行业虽未走出低谷,但企业转型升级步伐加快,行业投资增速出现明显回升;3 月,工程机械销售市场遭遇倒春寒,八大工程机械产品总销量超预期下滑。
  • 中经网行业月度报告-工程机械201504
    1~4 月,市场期待的触底反弹未能实现,工程机械行业面临的市场形势仍十分严峻,行业投资增速显著下滑;4 月,工程机械行业仍在底部区间运行,八大工程机械产品总销量继续下滑。


  • 全球专业服务机器人市场报告(2015-2019年)
    Robotics deals with the design and development of robots for a variety of purposes. A robot is a machine designed to perform one or more complex tasks with high speed, precision, and accuracy. Since robots tend to reduce the manual labor through complete automation and reduce the possibility of human errors, they are now increasingly adopted worldwide.
  • 全球外周静脉置入中心静脉导管市场报告(2015-2019年)
    A PICC is a thin, soft, flexible tube used to inject fluids or medication directly into a vein and or to draw blood samples for testing. These devices are inserted in the arm into either the cephalic vein, or basilic vein, or brachial vein (commonly known as peripheral veins). The catheter is threaded through larger veins toward the heart until the tip of the tube rests in the distal superior vena cava or cavoatrial junction. The device has two openings known as lumens used to deliver medication.
  • 全球风塔市场报告(2015-2019年)
    A wind tower is the support structure for a wind turbine and its other components. It helps the wind turbine blades to safely clear the ground and elevates the turbine to an optimum height to generate electrical energy from wind. Since wind speed increases with altitude, wind turbine towers are very important components that help to maximize the performance of a wind turbine generator.
  • 全球灭火器市场报告(2015-2019年)
    Fire extinguishers are active fire protection equipment used to control or extinguish small fires. A typical fire extinguisher consists of a pressurized metal cylinder filled with an extinguishing agent like carbon dioxide, foam or dry chemicals. The type of extinguisher that needs to be used depends on the nature of the fire hazard. The global fire extinguisher market is expected to exhibit steady growth over the period 2014-2019. The fire extinguisher market in EMEA was the largest revenue contributor in 2014; however, the fire extinguisher market in APAC is expected to grow the fastest among the three regions over the forecast period. The global fire extinguisher market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.87% over the forecast period.
  • 全球石油和天然气钓鱼工具市场报告(2015-2019年)
    Fishing tools are employed for fishing the stray equipment (also known as fish or junk) from the bottom of the well. The fish can be broken components of the drill string, bit breaks, or even a pipe or tool fallen from the rig floor. These tools are specially crafted with respect to the specific fish type or specific function. They are screwed to the fishing string, which is similar to the drill string, and lowered into the well. Below is a list of fishing tools used depending on the type of fish:

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