(报告加工时间:2017-12-25 -- 2018-01-21)



  • 全球钢铁长材市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Steel long products include several forms of long and heavy steel goods, which are made as per application requirements. The global steel long products market is growing at a stable rate and will experience a steady growth in the near future. The growing construction industry, with increasing number of construction projects, is propelling the market demand for steel long products. The increasing investment in the construction sector and infrastructure developments in developing countries will impact the global steel long products market positively.
  • 全球贵金属市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The global precious metals market is expected to grow at a significant pace during the forecast period, driven by increased sales of jewelry, consumer electronics, and automobiles. Gold, silver, and platinum drive the precious metal market globally. India, Singapore, and China are the major consumers of precious metals.


  • 钢铁行业:社会库存环比升5.28%仍为2011年来同期历史新低,预计短期钢价震荡整理
    需求端,2017 年1-11 月,房地产开发投资完成额累计同比增长7.5%,增速较1-10 月下降0.3 个百分点,1-11 月基建投资完成额累计同比增长15.83%,增速较1-10 月下降0.02 个百分点。2018 年1 月,天气渐冷叠加年终临近,部分工地陆续停工,行业需求季节性减弱;但随着冬储行情或正逐渐开启,短期内需求弱势有望得到改善。供给端,本周全国高炉开工率、河北地区高炉开工率小幅上升,但仍处于低位
  • 钢铁行业:雨雪天气致钢材成交寡淡,行情仍需等待冬储时点-动态报告
    本周钢价快速回调,成材和钢坯价格均有不同程度回落,随着全国各地近期雨雪天气增多,陕西,安徽,河南等地普降大雪,钢材成交寡淡,贸易商冬储情绪也逐步延后,钢材库存整体快速积累,周升41.92 万吨,螺纹增长32.55 万吨,近期一些年末检修高炉逐步复产,高炉开工率连续两周回升,潜在供给快速上升,使得商家挺价较为艰难,但我们认为当前回调属于季节性因素,往期十二月,一月也处于钢价回调淡季,冬储时间一般也在1 月下旬逐步展开,价格的可接受程度成为冬储关键,我们认为钢价在3800-4000 元/吨水平可能会给予贸易商更多做库存信心,库存由被动补库向主动补库过度仍需等待。

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