(报告加工时间:2024-08-26 -- 2024-09-01)


  • HBM 算力卡核心组件,国内产业链有望受益 ——人工智能系列专题报告(二)
    大模型催生对高性能存储的需求, HBM 有望随着智算中心建设而受益。2021 年 SK Hynix 开发出全球首款 HBM3 产品,并于 2022 年量产。
  • 电子行业:AI手机,AI发展重心逐步向端侧转移,苹果有望开启AI手机换机浪潮
    当前大模型技术引发了智能手机交互革命,自然语言处理和多模态信息智能感知共同推动A1手机智能化迈向新高度,苹果在WWDC会议上推出Apple Inteligence,结合苹果自研芯片以及强大的闭环生态,ipPhone16系列新品有望率先成为市场和消费者认可的A1手机,除了苹果之外高通骁龙8 Gen4等SoC有望在2404推出,安卓系手机厂商将紧随草果步伐推出A1手机新品,有望加快手机换机节奏。根据IDC数据,2027年全球AI手机出货将由2024年的2.34亿台增长至8.27亿台,2023-2027年CAGR达100.7%,A1手机有望成为继5G之后新一轮手机换机拐点,相关产业链公司有望持续受益,建议关注立讯精密、江波龙、鹏鼎控股、东山精密、蓝思科技、领益智造、歌尔股份、顺络电子、环旭电子、德明利。


  • 全球汽车立体摄像头市场报告(2024-2028年)
    The stereo camera is a device that allows the recognition of 3D objects. This camera consists of two or more lenses with a separate image sensor for each lens. This gives the camera the ability to capture 3D images. The stereo camera for automotive applications helps to recognize other vehicles or pedestrians with high precision and gives enough time for other active safety systems like automatic braking and automatic steering systems to act effectively. As a result, the automotive industry is progressively witnessing an increasing adoption of stereo cameras in all vehicle segments.
  • 全球CMOS相机模块市场报告(2024-2028年)
    A camera module is an image sensor integrated with a lens, control electronics, and an interface like Ethernet or plain raw low-voltage differential signaling.
  • 全球自动体外除颤器市场规模和份额分析增长趋势和预测(2024-2029年)
    As per the scope of this report, an automated external defibrillator (AED) is a lightweight, portable device that delivers an electric shock from the chest to the heart. The shock can potentially stop an irregular heartbeat and allow a normal rhythm to resume after a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA).
  • 全球航空气象雷达市场规模和份额分析增长趋势和预测(2022-2027年)
    An aviation weather radar or a weather surveillance radar (WSR) installed in aircraft and on airports to determine certain weather conditions in the atmosphere like, locating precipitation or calculating its motion and project the weather situations such as rain, snow, hail etc. The advanced weather radars installed in aircrafts can determine the motion of water droplets and the level of intensity of the rain. The report study covers the weather radars installed in various types of aircraft and airports.


  • 海外算力链系列一— —博通:数通芯片龙头, AI 助力扶摇而上
    博通过往依赖外延+内生拓展产品矩阵,业务布局广泛且普遍领先。前身 Avago 2009 年上市,2016 年“蛇吞象”并购老博通,公司的半导体解决方案主要分为宽带、网络、无线通信、服务器/存储以及工业&汽车五大产品,是基石业务。基础设施软件业务是通过收购 CA technologies和 Symantec 后整合而成,23 年收购全球云软件市场龙头 VMware,进一步强化软件业务。

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