(报告加工时间:2023-07-24 -- 2024-03-04)


  • 工业制造信息(20231026)
    随着经济的逐渐复苏,消费领域休闲食品行业景气度高企,多家上市公司三季报报喜。10 月 25 日晚,绝味食品三季报出炉,今年前三季度该公司实现营收56.31亿元,同比增长 10%,净利润 3.9 亿元,同比增长 78%,经营现金流2.45 亿元,同比下降 72%。 其中第三季度,该公司营收 19.32 亿元,同比增长 8.26%,净利润1.48 亿元,同比增长 22%。 绝味食品三季报显示,经营现金流下降主要系原材料采购量增加及采购成本环比下降但同比仍处高位所致。第三季度,该公司营业成本同比增长13.46%,绝味食品表示,与营业收入同步增长,同时原材料成本上涨。
  • 工业制造信息(20231214)
    2022 年我国县域经济总量达 46.5 万亿元,其中工业经济发挥核心带动力量;截至 2022 年底,主要位于县(市)的国家级产业园区共 73 家,其中国家级经开区49家,国家级高新区 24 家……一组最新数据映射出我国县域工业综合实力持续提升,产业结构逐步优化,内生动力不断增强。从日前召开的县域工业经济发展论坛(2023)上获悉,各方将延续、优化、完善并落实各项工业稳增长政策,全力稳定县域工业经济运行,加快探索和形成符合县域特点的现代产业链条,加速推进县域产业结构优化升级。


  • 全球地板盒和地板盖预测报告(2024-2029年)
    The equipment described in this report are primarily defined by its title since the title is generally long and includes most of the criteria used to differentiate the equipment from other similar equipment. The equipment descriptions are sourced from the U.S. Census. Additionally descriptions can be collected from the manufacturing industry descriptions that each equipment is categorized. The U.S. Census manufacturing industry descriptions for equipment are listed below
  • 全球地板市场展望预测(2023-2028年)
    Flooring is a permanent covering over particular floor composition with a finished material to provide a comfortable structure to walk. Also, flooring is usually durable, easy to clean, noiseless, and offers an aesthetically appealing appearance. Most flooring products offer heat and fire resistance and are cost-efficient. Floor bases are often covered with fine finishing materials that may vary for residential and non-residential buildings.
  • 全球房屋包装市场报告(2024-2028年)
    House wraps are types of fabric, paper, or board materials that cover the exterior sheathing of house walls and protect the wall exteriors.
  • 全球溶解木浆 (DWP) 市场报告(2024-2028年)
    The global dissolving wood pulp (DWP) market refers to the worldwide market for a type of wood pulp that is primarily used for the production of viscose staple fiber (VSF) and other cellulose-based products. DWP is obtained through a chemical process that breaks down wood chips into individual cellulose fibers, resulting in a high-quality and pure form of pulp.
  • 全球登陆绳索设备市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Landing strings equipment are heavy-duty thick wall drill pipes, which are used for oil and gas well drilling purposes in offshore areas. These are also used for landing heavy equipment on the seabed and landing heavy casing strings in wells. In subsea wells, landing strings allow well intervention or completion activities to be performed safely from floating vessels by interfacing with the subsea wellhead on the seabed. Landing strings are thick-walled steel tubes that are used to connect offshore drilling rig surface equipment with the bottom hole assembly.
  • 全球人体工学椅市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Ergonomic chairs are designed to help users sit comfortably for extended periods while working. These chairs are more comfortable than standard chairs and allow users to customize the fit to their body or sitting preferences. They aid in increasing productivity and job satisfaction. Ergonomic chairs help to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries such as back pain. These also help to relieve back pain by promoting proper posture and hip and pelvic alignment. It reduces the need for repetitive trunk flexion by preventing slouching and forward head posture.
  • 全球地板市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Decking is a flat or profiled surface that is designed as a structure to be deployed for residential and commercial applications.

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