(报告加工时间:2021-01-11 -- 2021-01-24)


  • 全球航空润滑油市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Lubrication is considered as the process that involves oil or grease application over different engines or other components to minimize friction between two moving surfaces. This, in turn, results in smooth movement and reduces friction and wear. Over the period of time, lubricants gets contaminated with dust particles, sludge, and other particles and hence need to be removed and replaced periodically to enhance smoother operations of aircrafts. The aviation lubricants market is analyzed and estimated in accordance with the impacts of drivers, restraints, and opportunities. The period studied in this report is from 2019 to 2027.
  • 全球可生物降解机油市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Biodegradable engine oils, also known as bio-lubricants and bio-lubes, are biodegradable and nontoxic lubricants. Organic lubricants are usually made by using raw materials such as rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, palm oil, coconut oil, and animal fats. In terms of non-toxicity, sustainability, carbon neutral, and environmentally safe, bio-lubricants provide many advantages over conventionally used petroleum-based product offerings. Attributed to the high flash point and high stability, the use of bio-lubricants over traditional lubricants is comparatively better. Bio-lubricants are used for a variety of applications across a diverse set of industries, including automotive, marine, construction, and others.
  • 全球生物塑料市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Bioplastic is a sustainable material derived from renewable feedstocks. It has the potential to reduce 30-70% of carbon dioxide emission. It represents approximately 42% reduction of carbon footprints. The production of bioplastic requires 65% less energy than conventional petroleum plastic. The global bioplastics market is evolving, and companies are now focusing more on strengthening and consolidating R&D activities; thereby, increasing production capacity. The adoption of bioplastic has increased tremendously across various applications, owing to the advanced technical properties and functionalities.
  • 全球抗菌消毒剂市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Disinfectant and antimicrobial chemicals are used for inhibiting the growth of microorganisms. These specialty chemicals are used to keep house, offices, schools, industrial equipment, processing facilities, and other public places clean & hygienic. Antimicrobial chemicals include antiseptics, antibiotics, antifungals, antiprotozoals, and antivirals, whereas disinfectants include alcohols, aldehydes, and phenolic compounds. For the purpose of analysis, the report segments the global antimicrobial & disinfectant chemicals market based on function, product type, end use, and region. The report provides information about the various functions of antimicrobial & disinfectant chemicals, including disinfectant & sanitizer and antimicrobial additives. Phenolic, iodophors, nitrogen compounds, organometallics, organosulfur, aldehydes, and other chemicals are the different product types covered in the study. The major end users of antimicrobial & disinfectant chemicals are paint & coatings, food & beverage processing, medical & health care, plastics, textiles, and other industries. The report further outlines the details about the revenue generated by antimicrobial & disinfectant chemicals across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA.
  • 全球抗菌涂料市场报告(2020-2027年)
    There is a fast-growing need for anti-microbial paints and coatings to improve quality in residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial applications to control the growth of mold and/or reduce the risk of healthcareassociated infections or community-acquired infections. A number of paint products available in the market claims anti-microbial functions. However, the current products have significant shortfalls, including weak activities, risk of resistance from virus, and difficulty in monitoring & extending the anti-microbial functions once the coatings are applied.


  • 化工行业:PTA、苯乙烯期货上涨,尿素、PVC、聚丙烯、聚乙烯、焦炭库存处于低位
  • 社会服务行业:内养外修,颜值经济向口服再延伸-化妆品系列跟踪报告
    生活美容/医学美容/口服美容是“美”的三大手段,产品供给丰富、消费观念升级,玻尿酸/胶原蛋白等热门功效成分不断“内服化”,内养外修热度渐起。参考日本:15 年功能性食品标示制度带动功能性食品市场发展,东洋新药/Glico/Fancl 等企业积极延伸产品线。展望我国:辅酶Q10 等功能原料新进保健食品原料目录、透明质酸钠等新食品原料获批,本土对于功能性食品监管政策呈边际放开态势,有利于本土原料/医美/美妆等企业拓展边界。全球品牌汇聚中国带来外延机遇,年轻消费者主导提升本土市场活力,电商生态高度发达加速供应链革新,本土企业可能有更高发展上限。
  • 化工行业:聚醚产业链价格走高,化纤、煤化工产品涨价,钛白粉挂牌价上调
     中国化工品价格指数(CCPI): 本周 CCPI较上周上涨 0.8%,较上月同期下跌 3.5%,较去年同期上涨 2.4%。
  • 化工行业:恩捷股份拟58亿元投建锂电项目,LCD主流尺寸面板预计继续涨价
    本周化工新材料指数跑输创业板指,截至2021 年1 月9 日,化工新材料指数收1138 点,较此前的1100 点上涨3.47%,跑输同期创业板指的上涨6.22%。
  • 零售轻工日化行业:12月社零+4.6%略有放缓,必选与消费升级品类表现较优
    12 月社零总额4.06 万亿元,同比名义增长4.6%,增速环比11 月的+5.0%回落0.4ppt,略弱于我们预期,主要受疫情反复及“双十一”虹吸效应等影响。2020 全年社零39.2 万亿元,同比-3.9%,其中Q4 同比+4.6%,环比Q3 提速3.7ppt,呈改善趋势。提示关注短期疫情波动对零售行业冲击,仍维持2021 年消费数据前高后低走势的判断。近期国内多地疫情有所反复,临近春节,提示关注疫情对春节促销旺季消费数据的可能冲击,同时看好线上消费渗透率进一步提升趋势。

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