(报告加工时间:2016-07-25 -- 2016-07-31)


  • 行业月度报告-化工201606
    展望 7 月份,主要下游化工行业有望继续平稳运行,政策提振后市预期,化工行业供需两侧将继续小幅回暖,产品价格将以小幅震荡为主。化肥行业国家标准即将发布,化肥行业迎来绿色高效化肥发展阶段;此外,烧碱行业加快技术进步,预计将迎来转型升级的重要时期,实现多项技术创新与产品创新。
  • 基础化工行业:PVC价差持续扩大,新材料关注锂电、石墨烯交叉领域-周报
    草甘膦、百草枯、毒死蜱价差维持不变,苯酚价格上涨,麦草畏价差略有下降;粘胶短纤与棉浆粕、烧碱价差持续扩大,涤纶长丝与聚酯、氨纶40D 与MDI 价差均略有扩大;电石法PVC 价差从7 月初的770 元持续扩大至960 元(24.7%),乙烯法PVC 从月初的900 元扩大至目前的1170元(18.2%)。
  • 石化汇编-第765期
    国家发改委7 日宣布,本轮成品油价格将不做调整。发改委表示,自6 月23 日国内成品油价格调整窗口期以来,国际市场油价继续小幅波动,按现行国内成品油价格机制测算,7 月7 日的前10 个工作日平均价格与6 月23 日前10个工作日平均价格相比,同时考虑6 月23 日未调价金额,累计调价金额每吨不足50 元。根据《石油价格管理办法》第七条规定,本次汽、柴油价格不作调整,未调金额纳入下次调价时累加或冲抵。发改委正密切跟踪成品油价格形成机制运行情况,结合国内外石油市场形势变化,进一步予以研究完善。


  • 全球唇部护理产品市场报告(2016-2020)
    The global lip care products market will grow at a steady rate of 4.63% during the next five years. APAC will likely post a strong growth rate over the period owing to an increase in the demand for lip care products, particularly from countries such as India and China. The rising disposable income, especially in developing countries, is one of the most important factors that will likely propel the growth of the market during the forecast period.
  • 全球生物粘合剂市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Bioadhesives are natural polymers that are used as adhesives. These are synthetically produced using organic monomers such as sugars. Bioadhesives materials build a resilient interface between two categories of materials such as soft and hard materials, which display certain characteristics that make them different from synthetic adhesives. Proteins and carbohydrates are the primary raw materials used to make bioadhesives. Gelatin (proteins) and starch (carbohydrates) are used as general purpose adhesives.
  • 全球脱毛产品市场报告(2016-2020年)
    High pricing of women's depilatory products  Increase in demand for natural and organic products  Growing presence in online retail  More innovation required in the women's razors segment from top brands such as P&G  Increase brand and product awareness and penetration across rural populations Tactful marketing and celebrity endorsements for building brand image and enhancing sales  The primary target customers are urban populations and working women. Focus more on developing countries such as India, Brazil, and China, and Middle Eastern countries where disposable incomes are on the rise. Product quality and brand loyalty play an important role. Consumers generally do not switch to other brands if they are comfortable with a product.
  • 全球产前维生素补充剂市场报告(2016-2020年)
    A dietary supplement is a product that is intended for ingestion and contains dietary ingredients that add nutritional value. A dietary supplement is available in one or in combination of substances such as minerals, amino acids, vitamins, and herbs. It may be available in various forms such as powders, pills, tablets, liquids, and gel capsules. Dietary supplements are taken basically for their nutritional value, and few supplements may also help in reducing the risk of diseases by providing essential nutrients. Prenatal vitamin supplements are a part of dietary supplements that are intended to be used before and during pregnancy.
  • 全球金属添加剂制造市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Metal additive manufacturing is a technique in which a scanned or digitally designed object is formed into a 3D solid using an additive process. In this process, metal powder is applied in successive layers with little wastage and subject to a concentrated energy source that melts and shapes the metal. Additive manufacturing products can be built from various materials, plastic and metals being the most common materials.


  • 5月中国化工行业景气指数
    2016 年 4 月化工行业综合景气指数终值为 100.1,预计 2016 年 5 月景气指数初值为101.0,比 4 月上升 0.9 点,小幅上调。 4 月份,构成化工行业景气指数的 3 个分指数(经季节调整去除季节影响因素)与 3 月相比:利润分指数小幅回升,价格分指数和生产分指数均微幅上调。具体走势见图 1。
  • 2015年江西省石化行业运行情况及2016年展望
    2015 年,江西省石油和化学工业(简称“ 石化行业”)经济总体呈现平稳运行态势,主营业务收入及利税均保持增长,重点企业平稳运行。实现工业增加值 719 亿元,同比增长 6.9%;实现主营业务收入 3006 亿元,同比增长 6.6%;实现利税 290 亿元,同比增长 7.3%。 2016 年国内消费市场将继续保持平稳增长,预计全省石化行业也将呈现平稳运行的发展态势,同时,石化行业提质增效和转型升级的任务还很艰巨,推行智能制造、
  • 电解铜的贸易形势与机会
    通过阐述全球及中国精铜的供需情况,比较上海期货交易所与全球期货市场的交易量与实际需求量的关系以及国内铜行业在 GDP 中所占的比重,指出了在当前的市场形势下,铜贸易商虽然面临着被上下游挤占市场的困境,但可以通过互联网化以及延长产业链来抓住这样的市场机会从而使企业更具竞争力。
  • 我国光伏产业发展的机遇与变数

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