(报告加工时间:2024-01-29 -- 2024-03-04)


  • 从一双鞋的成本拆分,定量看海外不同地区的成本优势
  • 长江消费比较2研究系列:YKK V.S 伟星,从 YKK 看如何做成一门“小生意”
    1960s 前美国为拉链行业的起源国和最大生产国,彼时日本拉链行业仍处起步阶段。YKK 成立于 1934 年,至 1955 年成为日本拉链寡头,此后于 1960 年前后进入美国,经过短短 20 余载在拉链产业成熟的美国崛起并赶超了寡头 TALON,完成从新秀到巨头的转变,最后成为全球第一大拉链生产商。因此,何以成就 YKK 是补全对国内优质辅料标的研究版图不可或缺的一 部分,YKK 的扩张与格局变化又有什么启示?以上是本篇报告想探讨的核心内容。


  • 全球洁净室服装市场报告(2024-2028年)
    The global cleanroom apparels market refers to the market for specialized clothing and garments that are designed and used in cleanroom environments. Cleanrooms are controlled environments that are designed to minimize the presence of contaminants such as dust, particles, and microorganisms. Cleanroom apparel plays a crucial role in maintaining the cleanliness and integrity of the environment, as well as protecting the individuals working in these environments from any potential contamination. The market includes a wide range of apparel such as coveralls, gowns, boot covers, shoe covers, gloves, masks, and head cover, among others.
  • 全球潜水服市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Diving suits are specific clothing or devices designed for the protection of divers in underwater environments. A diving suit may also incorporate a breathing gas supply.
  • 全球孕妇装市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Maternity wear refers to apparel that is specifically designed for pregnant and nursing women to accommodate the changing needs and comfort of pregnant women. These garments are tailored to provide a comfortable and stylish fit throughout all stages of pregnancy, typically featuring stretchable fabrics, elastic waistbands, and extra room for the growing belly. The different types of maternity wear are tops, bottoms, dresses, tunics, and others.


  • 宏观:外资大幅增持国内债券
    人民币延续升值趋势。12 月人民币延续升值趋势但速度放缓,12 月即期汇率累计升值 0.55%至 7.0920 元,回到 7.1 之内。离岸人民币流动性无显著变化,离岸与在岸人民币汇率差价均值扩大至 98pips(前值 46pips)。12 月人民币升值主要受美元指数下行驱动,非美货币大多升值。人民币兑一篮子货币贬值,12 月 CFETS 人民币汇率指数累计下行 0.89%。虽然离 岸和在岸人民币汇率价差扩大,但 1 年期 NDF 隐含的人民币汇率预期和风险逆转期权均显示升值预期在 12 月升温。
  • 低迷环境下高质量增长,投资机会愈发清晰
    中国品牌服饰行业作为发展成熟的赛道,过去 10 年行业整体规模以低单位数增速增长,以及欧睿预测未来 5 年行业整体规模亦以低单位数增速增长,但其中不乏显著跑赢整体行业的龙头公司包括 A 股比音勒芬、报喜鸟等、H 股安踏体育、波司登等,凭借其产品力、渠道力、品牌力久久为功,持续证明成长持续性。

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