(报告加工时间:2022-05-05 -- 2022-08-07)



  • 全球能量棒市场报告(2021-2028年)
    A bar, which contains proteins & carbohydrates and provides high amount of energy is known as an energy bar. It acts as a supplement to the meal as it is made up of a variety of cereals and nuts. It can be distinguished from other bars due to its high carbohydrate and nutrition content, which contributes to its high energy value. Energy bar is mostly consumed by athletes. It is used as an energy source in a variety of athletic events such as marathon and triathlon. Energy bar comes in a wide variety of flavors. The flavors range from dark chocolate to peanut butter.


  • 食品加工行业:国内原奶价格微降,大包粉进口价上涨-跟踪报告
    恒天然奶粉拍卖价回落,3 月进口大包粉价格上涨。2022 年5 月3 日,恒天然脱脂奶粉拍卖价为4130 美元/吨,环比-6.3%,同比+20.3%;全脂奶粉拍卖价为3916 美元/吨,环比-6.9%,同比-4.8%。2022 年4 月18 日-4 月29 日,大洋洲脱脂/全脂奶粉均价分别环比-3.5%/-5.9%,同比+30.4%/+1.5%;欧盟脱脂/全脂奶粉均价分别环比-2.2%/-1.2%,同比+47.6%/+48.4%。2022 年3 月奶粉进口单价为4189.95 美元/吨,环比+5.7%,同比+23.5%。

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