(报告加工时间:2014-04-07 -- 2014-10-31)


  • 行业月度报告-建材201404
  • 行业月度报告-建材201408
  • 行业月度报告-建材201405
    5月是建材行业的传统旺季,但受房地产投资增长放缓、部分地区遭遇雨水天气等因素影响,水泥和平板玻璃整体需求旺季不旺,重点联系企业水泥销量环比仅增长2.60% ,而平板玻璃销量环比下降1.93%。由于市场需求表现不佳,水泥和玻璃价格均下跌。此外,国外需求有所减弱,水泥和平板玻璃出口量有不同程度的下降。预计6月,随着行业淡季的到来,水泥和平板玻璃产销量将有所下降,价格将加速下挫。
  • 行业月度报告-建材201402
    2月,受春节、寒冷天气等因素影响,水泥和平板玻璃仍 处于行业淡季,整体需求回落,产销总体偏淡。价格方面, 水泥价格下行,东北等地区召开玻璃会议对玻璃价格有所提振。出口方面,出口市场较为清淡,水泥和平板玻璃出口量均有所下降。预计3月,建设施工将陆续启动,建材需求将缓慢复苏,水泥和平板玻璃产销量将有所回升,价格有望小幅上涨。
  • 行业月度报告-建材201406
  • 行业月度报告-建材201407


  • 全球玻璃瓶采购市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Glass bottle packaging is defined as the packaging of chemicals, beverages, and food in glass bottles or containers. The Global Procurement of Glass Bottles market has huge potential for growth because glass bottles have various associated advantages.
  • 全球柔性玻璃市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Flexible glass is an ultra-thin glass with rigid glass properties such as high barrier properties,strength, temperature stability, and durability, but in a flexible form. It combines the scratch resistance and rigidity properties of plastics, forming a rollable, flexible, and wearable glass.These qualities make next-generation electronic gadgets more lightweight, attractive, and handy.


  • 聚酯聚合物混凝土罩面:I-90合约8018,维克盖革路斯波坎高架桥,PCCP康复
    Polyester polymer concrete (PPC) was used in a trial application on a section of pavement that suffers from extensive studded tire wear. The purpose of the trial section is to determine if PPC is a possible repair strategy for this type of pavement damage. The PPC was applied in three methods; (1) as a 1 inch thick inlay of the entire lane that was diamond ground to remove all rutting from studded tire wear, (2) as an inlay of just the wheel paths that were diamond ground, and (3) as a feathered overlay of the existing pavement which had no diamond grinding to remove rutting. The test sections will be monitored for a minimum of five years to determine the performance of the PPC with particular emphasis on its ability to resist studded tire wear.

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