(报告加工时间:2023-06-19 -- 2023-08-06)


  • 2023棉纺织行业高质量发展调研全国行第四站走进新疆南疆地区
  • 中报业绩预告密集发布,美妆品牌、酒店板块业绩亮眼
    中报业绩预告密集发布,美妆品牌、酒店板块业绩亮眼。(1)化妆品板块:珀莱雅预计上半年归母净利润4.6-4.9亿元,同比增加55%-65%。上海家化预计上半年归母净利润2.85亿元-3.15亿元,同比增长 81%-100%。(2)黄金珠宝板块:菜百股份预计上半年归母净利润3.8-4.3亿元,同比+53%-73%(追溯调整后)。明牌珠宝预计上半年归母净利润5800-7000万元,+56.42%-88.78%。(3)酒店板块:锦江酒店预计上半年归母净利润5.0-5.5亿元,同比扭亏。首旅酒店预计上半年归母净利润2.6-3.0亿元,同比168%-178%。(4)纺服板块:共计41家公司发布中报业绩预告,业绩预增的有 14 家,由亏转盈的9家,其中利润改善的企业以服装家纺公司为主。(5)造纸板块:共计11家公司公布中报业绩预告,仅1家实现利润同比增长,3家实现 Q2 利润同比增长;Q2 环比表现分化明显,5家公司实现利润环比增长,主要为特种纸企、箱板瓦楞纸企。 
  • 推进废旧纺织品循环利用
  • 6月棉纺织企业调查报告:纺织品生产走弱 原料库存下降


  • 中报预告趋势梳理,关注造纸及出口细分领域环比改善
    本周梳理半年度业绩预告,关注以五洲特纸、山鹰国际、博汇纸业二季度盈利转正的趋势性信号,以及出口细分领域海象新材、倍加洁、致欧科技等环比向上趋势。加拿大西海岸港口罢工结束;明星阔叶浆 7月价格调整至515 美元/吨,较上期下滑 20 美金;6 月国内纸浆进口量同比+28.5%,现货阔叶浆价小幅回落。本周造纸板块指数下跌 0.8%。


  • 全球纺织印刷油墨预测报告(2024-2029 年)
    Material Type: Textile printing inks Industry: Printing ink manufacturing The Material described in this report are primarily defined by its title since the title is generally long and includes most of the criteria used to differentiate the Material from other similar Material. The Material descriptions are sourced from the U.S. Census. Additionally descriptions can be collected from the manufacturing industry descriptions that each Material is categorized. The U.S. Census manufacturing industry descriptions for Material are listed below
  • 全球衬垫市场展望预测报告(2023-2028年)
    Incontinence refers to any involuntary or accidental leakage of urine or feces and is an inevitable part of aging or disability. According to the International Continence Society (ICS), urinary incontinence involves conditions associated with any involuntary leakage of urine. A few common types of UI include stress urinary incontinence (SUI), urge urinary incontinence (UUI), and mixed urinary incontinence (MUI). Over the years, urinary incontinence has proved to be a challenging problem for carers of elderly individuals and people with chronic health problems. Most individuals with incontinence issues face problems while sleeping at night. Several treatments are available to improve, manage, or cure incontinence issues. Some of these measures include a high-fiber diet, pelvic floor exercises, bladder training, training in good toilet habits, and the use of aids such as incontinence pads.

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