(报告加工时间:2017-07-17 -- 2017-07-23)


  • 中国在线旅游市场年度综合分析2017
  • 旅游竞争情报-第619期
    近年来,在线旅游平台(OTA)以其高效、便捷的服务得到广大消费者的青睐。根据《中国在线旅游市场季度监测分析 2016 年第 4 季度》数据显示,中国在线旅游市场规模高达 1959.7 亿元,同比增长 44.4%。虽说在线旅游市场规模在不断扩大,但 OTA 服务以及平台的盈利模式已经进入瓶颈期,同质化现象越趋严重。大部分平台都以低价吸引消费者,抢占市场,想靠规模取胜。然而现实是,价格战不仅不能获取有效客户,而且挤占了平台的利润空间。
  • 中国在线自由行市场发展趋势专题分析2017


  • 全球商用飞机租赁市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Commercial aircraft lease is a legal arrangement used by airlines and other aircraft operators or leasing companies for reducing the financial burden of the airlines while procuring new aircraft. As aircraft are flexible in deployment and their supply is limited, leasing them via short, medium, or long term operating lease contracts allows airlines to maintain steady and stable cash flows.
  • 全球石油天然气发电机租赁市场报告(2017-2021年)
    In this report, Technavio covers the present scenario and growth prospects of the global generator rental market for the oil and gas industry for 2017-2021. Also, the report discusses the major drivers that are influencing market growth and the challenges faced by vendors and the market. It also examines key emerging trends and their impact on current and future market scenarios.One of the integral components of any market estimate and analysis pertains to the definition of the estimates and the exclusions. The following section of the report enlists certain key estimates, which we have considered while arriving at the market trends and certain exclusions that have helped to demarcate the market contours.


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