(报告加工时间:2019-02-13 -- 2019-02-24)


  • 行业月度报告-石化201812
    12 月,生产方面,石油加工、炼焦及核燃料加工业规模以上工业增加值同比增长5.7%,增速和上年同期相比下降0.3个百分点;原油加工量5116.9 万吨,同比增长4.4%,增速比上月提高1.5 个百分点;原油生产1633.3 万吨,同比增长2.0%。进出口方面,成品油出口量586 万吨,同比下降5.0%;进口原油4378 万吨,同比增长29.9%。价格方面,国际油价不断下跌,国内成品油价格两次下调。效益方面,1~12 月规模以上工业企业利润总额累计同比增长10.7%。投资方面,投资增速明显回升,1~12 月固定资产投资额累计同比增长10.1%,增速较1~11 月提高4.2 个百分点。


  • 秘鲁石化报告2019年
    The Peruvian petrochemical industry is characterised by small companies with narrow portfolios and foreign investors with niche positions. There have been several newer projects proposed, some of which would turn Peru into a petrochemicals exporter by utilising the country's significant ethane reserves to produce olefins and polymer resins as well as fertilisers. However, proposed projects have failed to advance due to a lack of progress on securing gas feedstock and the pipelines needed to deliver it. Yet, the country could easily host a world-scale cracker due to its strong advantage in low-cost feedstock. Peru has comparatively limited refining capacity; the country has six refineries with total capacity of 198,950 barrels per day (b/d). Repsol-operated La Pampilla is the country's largest refinery, with nameplate capacity of 102,000b/d; the other five facilities - Talara, Couchan, Iquitos, El Milagro and Pucallpa - are run by state-owned Petroperú.
  • 墨西哥石化报告2019年
    The petrochemicals sector is dominated by state-owned Pemex's petrochemical subsidiary, Pemex Petroquimica (PPQ). Indelpro, a joint venture (JV) between Mexico-based Alfa Group and Basell Lyondell, has a petrochemical complex at Altamira with 260,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) of propylene capacity feeding 590,000tpa of polypropylene (PP), representing the country's entire PP production capacity. In 2016, Braskem Idesa's Ethylene XXI added 1.05mn tpa ethylene capacity, 750,000tpa highdensity polyethylene (HDPE) capacity and 300,000tpa low-density polyethylene (LDPE) capacity. No further expansions are expected in Latin America in the next five years, as proposals for new facilities in Brazil, Venezuela and Colombia have fallen through. Three Mexican private firms produce polyvinyl chloride (PVC): Primex, which operates a 350,000tpa plant at Altamira and 45,000tpa facility at Tlalnepantla; Mexichem, with a 42,000tpa plant at Tlaxcala and a 30,000tpa plant at Texmelucan; and Policyd, which operates a 200,000tpa plant at Altamira and a 45,000tpa plant at Tlalnepantla. Polystyrene (PS) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) capacities are owned by private companies, while Pemex subsidiaries control all of Mexico's polyethylene (PE) and aromatics capacities.



  • 2019年1月(上半月)石油和化工行业要闻综述
    中化新网 1月3日消息,商务部28日发布公告,原产于台湾地区、马来西亚和美国的进口正丁醇存在倾销,中国大陆正丁醇产业受到实质损害,而且倾销与实质损害之间存在因果关系。公告称,国务院关税税则委员会根据商务部的建议作出决定,自2018年12月29日起,对原产于台湾地区、马来西亚和美国的进口正丁醇征收反倾销税。根据公告,对台湾地区的台湾塑胶工业股份有限公司的反倾销税税率为6%,其他台湾公司为56.1%。对美国的欧季亚公司反倾销税税率为52.2%,伊士曼化学公司、道化学公司、巴斯夫公司、其他美国公司均为139.3%。马来西亚国油石化衍生公司/马石化营销(纳闽)有限公司 12.7%,其他马来西亚公司26.7%。

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