(报告加工时间:2021-11-22 -- 2021-11-29)



  • 互联网健康医疗的海外经验借鉴
  • 全球电子学习市场(2021-2026年)
    Continuous learning requirements for students and professionals driven by sweeping trends over the past two decades due to globalization, talent migration, and consistent improvements in corporate competencies and individual talent grooming have increased the scope of e-learning. With rapid globalization, there has been increased mobility of human capital in industries, including tourism, trade, media, international relations, and science and technology. Therefore, there is a need to effectively acquire functional and vocational skills over a short period and in a cost-effective manner. While conventional learning and training methods cater to most needs, they are ineffective in meeting the dynamic learners’ requirements, especially in the rapidly expanding learner segment.
  • 全球教育玩具市场(2021-2026年)
    The global educational toys market is growing at a CAGR of 8.11% and is expected to witness an incremental growth of $11.81 billion during the forecast period. The growth of the market is attributable to the rising demand for education with the help of playful learning so that children learn things easily and quickly. The recent trend towards Augmented Reality (AR) educational toys is likely to boost the demand for educational toys year-on-year. Moreover, the educational toys have short life cycle and requires continuous innovation and investment in R&D to remain competitive. Due to rapid growth forecasts the vendors are expected to face intense competition in terms of innovativeness and price.
  • 全球继续医学教育市场(2021-2026年)
    World war II gave rise to many advances, including healthcare specialization. In 1948, now called the American Academy of Family Physicians created the first U.S. CME credit system, which required 150 hours of CME for re-election to the membership every three years. In 1968, the American Medical Association came out with its Physician Recognition Award Categories 1 and 2, followed in 1972 by the American Osteopathic Association establishing categories of credit. Then, in 1981, along came the Accreditation Council for CME, which was created by the other medical organizations to provide a form of professional self-regulation for now 2,000 accredited providers of CME.


  • 2007年广州文具市场分析报告
  • 传媒行业:新技术趋势持续扩散,成长空间提振板块信心
    游戏出海+精品研发+格局改善是行业发展长期主线:10 月国产手游出海再获出彩表现、应用支付反垄断预期强化、国内首家元宇宙行业协会揭牌,将有助于行业关注度提升;板块Q3 较上半年环比改善明显,新游上线以及买量回收引领行业业绩向好。
  • 传媒行业:元宇宙,从架构到落地
    元宇宙概念详析与发展意义:概念:元宇宙是一个与现实世界平行且相互影响并且始终在线的虚拟世界,人们在基础设施 完善的虚拟世界中,可以和现实物理世界一样,全方位实现身份认同、货币交易、社区归属感到职业发展等个人和社会需求。 发展意义:元宇宙带来新的资源配置方式;现实与虚拟结合诞生新的商业业态;虚拟世界催生新的生活方式。
  • 传媒行业:双十一GMV增速回落,腾讯游戏海外收入同比增长20%
    上周沪深300指数上涨0.95%,申万传媒指数上涨2.95%,跑赢沪深300 指数2.00个百分点。个股方面,上周涨幅较大的有游族网络(+12.30%)、 蓝色光标(+9.72%)、宋城演艺(+8.02%);跌幅较大的有芒果超媒 (-7.69%)。


  • 广州涉外专利侵权现状及对策研究


  • 广州市国际科技论文发表状况调查

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