(报告加工时间:2016-05-19 -- 2016-05-29)


  • 全球矿业设备租赁市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Mining equipment is used to extract natural resources such as metals, coal, and minerals, including iron ore, titanium, bauxite, and copper; gravel and sand; platinum and gold; and salt and other non-metallic products. Mining equipment includes trucks, dozers, loaders, borers, core drillers, stationary and portable crushers, dryers, feeders, hydraulic pumps, conveyor belts, and compressors.
  • 全球X波段雷达市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The basic components of a radar include transmitters, duplexers, receivers, radar antennas, and indicators. A radar system is capable of transmitting microwaves simultaneously in all directions and thus, determines the properties of flying objects within their range. It uses radio waves to track and determine the velocity, range, and angle of objects and it is widely used in detecting aircraft, spacecraft, ships, guided missiles, weather information, and terrain.
  • 全球牙冠和牙桥市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Dental crowns and bridges are prosthetic dental devices used for dental restoration. They help to alter the shape and size of tooth, offer strength, and improve aesthetic appearance. Some of the common dental problems include bad breath, tooth decay, gum disease, mouth sores, oral cancer, and tooth sensitivity. Most crowns and bridges are made of porcelain or ceramic material that matches the color of the natural tooth. Other materials include titanium, gold, acrylic, and metal alloys. These are mounted or cemented onto existing tooth, which can only be removed by dentists.
  • 全球光学传感器市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Optical sensors are devices that convert light or infrared rays into electronic signals. They can function in the presence or absence of light or infrared spectrum and form a part of a large electronic system. A signal from an optical sensor is analyzed or interpreted in different ways to detect the presence of a person, capture an image, or determine the position or movement of an object. The global optical sensor market grew at a CAGR of 9.7% over the last five years. Vendors in the market are investing significantly in R&D of these sensors due to the following advantages.
  • 全球物流机器人市场报告(2016-2020年)
    A robot performs multiple complex tasks with high speed, precision, and accuracy. Robots are classified into industrial and service robots. Service robots are segregated into defense, agriculture, medicals, and logistics robots and domestic machines – based on the area of application. Manufacturers, FMCG players, and e-commerce operators use logistics robots inside and outside warehouses and production plants.
  • 全球麻醉系统系统市场报告(2016-2020年)
    An anesthesia delivery system is designed to deliver a gaseous anesthetic agent during surgeries. The gaseous anesthetic agent is an inhalant and is mixed with a carrier gas, usually oxygen alone or oxygen combined with nitrous oxide. The most commonly used device in anesthesia delivery system is the anesthetic machine, which provides a continuous flow of air containing a regulated supply of medical gases. Modern anesthesia delivery system have monitors and touch screen displays integrated into them, which help in monitoring the heartbeat and other vital parameters.
  • 欧洲基于卫星的地球观测市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Satellites transmit data and information in the form of images, which are then collected for analysis. The information thus gathered can be used to monitor and predict weather changes, disasters and natural calamities, oil and mineral deposits, availability of water sources, and climate patterns. Satellite-based EO involves the gathering of vital information pertaining to the Earth's system through remote sensing satellites.
  • 全球农业装备金融市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Equipment financing refers to the credit, including leasing, government loans, and other small business administration loans, which are disbursed to different businesses in the automotive, construction, agriculture, and other industries. It also includes sale and leaseback, which help individual customers raise cash for equipment purchase by selling off collateralized existing equipment. The interest rate on the credit depends on whether a customer has opted for equipment loan or lease, but the maturity term depends on the equipment's life. In case of loan, once the credit is repaid, the instrument or machine belongs to the buyer. If it is leased, then the funder or the financial institution is the owner of the equipment, but the buyer can use it during the lease period.
  • 全球智能电网输配电设备市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Globally the power T&D network is undergoing a transformation with the introduction of digital technologies into the grid; it is largely driven by the need for efficiency, improved reliability and the integration of diverse power generation sources. The traditional grid was designed to manage continuous power from sources such as coal, oil, and other resources. However, countries are focusing on newer alternate sources of technology, which serve as intermittent sources of power generation. To harness the full potential of renewable power and provide a continuous power supply, utilities require flexible power supply system.
  • 全球光投影机市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Since 2012, technological innovations have improved image resolution, increased energy efficiency, and decreased space constraints with the development of portable Pico projectors. The emergence of light projectors has ensured that even small portal projectors can display images and videos with increased clarity. Further, embedded Pico projectors are likely to dominate the Pico projector segment owing to the growing demand for flexible devices, which consume less space and are priced low. Embedded Pico projectors are becoming an important platform for augmented reality, the latest technology in electronic devices.
  • 全球超声波传感器市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Ultrasonic sensors are transceivers that send and receive ultrasonic waves. They interpret the time taken by an echo to reflect back from an object using the speed of sound as the parameter. These sensors are quite immune to environmental influence, have the ability to detect almost any material, and are not affected by problematic surfaces. They can also meet diverse application requirements such as material handling, fill-level measurement, processing and hygiene detection in food and beverage processing, guiding mobile equipment in industrial scenarios, detection of doorways, medical devices, and gates and assisted parking in automobiles.
  • 全球光纤激光器市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Fiber lasers are used for materials processing applications such as cutting and welding, marking, and fine and micro processing of components in the automotive, manufacturing, consumer electronics, and heavy industry sectors. They are also being used extensively for medical applications and R&D purposes.


  • 2016年全球内镜市场可望增至97亿美元
    2013 年,全球微创医疗器械市场规模约为 1717 亿美元, 2009~2013 年市场复合增速为5.5%,增势较为平缓。作为最重要的微创医疗器械,内窥镜产业增长飞快。除了欧美发达国家和地区,中国、印度、巴西等发展中国家随着医疗投入的不断增加,对内窥镜的需求也快速增长。 2011 年,全球医用内窥镜市场规模约为 61 亿美元;预计 2016 年增至 97 亿美元。
  • 总局发布2015年度医疗器械注册工作报告
    2015 年,国家食品药品监督管理总局深入贯彻落实《医疗器械监督管理条例》和《国务院关于改革药品医疗器械审评审批制度的意见》,积极推进医疗器械审评审批制度改革,规范和指导全国医疗器械注册工作,提升医疗器械注册审评质量与效率。国家食品药品监督管理总局编制了《 2015 年度医疗器械注册工作报告》。报告内容包括 2015 年度医疗器械注册工作情况、医疗器械注册申请受理情况、医疗器械注册审评审批情况、创新医疗器械等产品审评审批情况和其他信息等内容。
  • 我国成为按摩器具制造销售大国
    按摩保健器具是我国中医药文化的重要组成部分,近年来该产业取得了突飞猛进的发展。 2015 年,我国按摩保健器具产值近 300 亿元,实现就业人数超 50 万。中国医药保健品进出口商会基于去年我国按摩保健器具出口贸易数据分析认为,去年国际市场对我国按摩保健器具的需求仍保持强劲态势,出口额、出口量稳步增长,我国已经成为世界按摩保健器具制造和销售大国。但是,我国按摩保健器具的出口价格变化值得业界关注。
  • 15个主要经济体医械创新力评估出炉
    一个国家医疗器械产业的创新能力不仅与该国的经济实力有关,更重要的是,与该国对医疗器械产业的重视程度、政策的扶持情况、对医疗卫生事业的投入和高等教育的发达程度有关。总部设在美国的普华永道( PWC)近期对巴西、中国、法国、德国、印度、以色列、日本、英国、俄罗斯、瑞士、美国等 15 个世界主要经济体医疗器械产业的创新能力进行了评估。结果显示,创新能力评分(评分标准为 9 分制, 1 分为最低, 9 分为最高)排在第一名的是美国,得分 7.1 分,而印度、中国、巴西等金砖国家的得分靠后。

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