(报告加工时间:2014-02-17 -- 2014-03-16)


  • 2014年铜价可能冲高回落
  • 中国有色金属铸件市场报告(2014-2018年)
    The Non-ferrous Metal Casting market in China is expected to grow at a steady rate during the period 2013-2018. The market is characterized by the presence of well-diversified international, regional, and local vendors. Some of the prominent vendors that provide a wide range of products and services in the market are Alcoa Inc., Beijing Jingtian Precision Investment Casting Co. Ltd., and Precision Castparts Corp. The overall market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.58 percent during the forecast period.
  • 2014年生产资料分析与预测(第一期)
    2014 年,伴随着政策效应和改革红利释放,新型城镇化建设加快推进、市场活力和经济内生增长动力进一步增强,宏观经济将延续“稳中向好”发展态势。从生产资料市场发展来看,预计行业运行中的有利条件和积极因素趋于增多,整体环境改善,特别是城镇化建设加快和物流业发展,将为生产资料市场发展带来较大空间,市场供需增速将继续加快,企业经营状况将有所好转,市场价格也有望止跌趋稳。
  • 2014年锡将小幅震荡上涨


  • 全球铂族金属PGM市场报告(2014-2018年)
    PGM consist of six chemical elements clustered together in the periodic table. These elements are called transition metals and they have similar physical and chemical properties. Moreover,these elements tend to occur in the same mineral deposit and can be mined together as coproducts with platinum. PGM have outstanding catalytic properties which make them the ideal choice in various industries such as Autocatalyst Manufacturing, Jewelry, Chemicals, Electrical and Electronics, Electrochemical, Glass, Medical and Biomedical, Dental, and Petroleum. In recent years, they have also been purchased as an ideal investment option.
  • 全球铝铸件市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Aluminum casting is a process of solidifying molten aluminum (heated to optimal temperature) in a mold cavity to obtain products with complex geometries and varied patterns. The resulting products are used in several sectors such as Transportation, Industrial, Building and Construction.
  • 全球钴市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Cobalt is classified as a strategic and critical metal that is integral to a country's economy. A lack in availability of a strategic metal could severely affect the economic, industrial, and defensive capability of a country. Cobalt is obtained from its minerals cobaltite, smaltite, and erythrite. The economic means of producing cobalt is to produce it as a by-product of nickel, lead, silver, iron, and copper ore operations. Cobalt can also be produced through recycling. Cobalt and its alloys find application in numerous sectors and industries such as Battery, Superalloys, Defense, and Catalysts.
  • 全球可回收运输包装市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Returnable transport packaging includes reusable containers, pallets, barrels, drums, racks, and dunnage that enable vendors and industrial customers in the Global Returnable Transport Packaging market to efficiently and safely transport products across the supply chain. This system was first implemented by the Automotive industry. It is used in an organized supply chain to effectively manage shipments. Returnable transport packaging is composed of durable products such as wood, metal, and plastic.
  • 2014钒价仍将疲软

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