(报告加工时间:2017-05-08 -- 2017-05-14)


  • 行业月度报告-医药201703


  • 全球后背支持市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The global back support market is witnessing growth across APAC, EMEA, and the Americas due to the growing older population, especially in countries like Japan. Also, the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders among older and middle-aged population is increasing. Braces and back supports are also used for treating sport injuries in athletes.
  • 全球后背支持市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The global back support market is witnessing growth across APAC, EMEA, and the Americas due to the growing older population, especially in countries like Japan. Also, the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders among older and middle-aged population is increasing. Braces and back supports are also used for treating sport injuries in athletes.
  • 全球癌症单克隆抗体市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The cancer mAbs market is one of the fastest-growing segments of the global pharmaceutical market. It has become a major research area for biotech and pharmaceutical companies due to the presence of high unmet medical needs in the market. Targeted therapies are revolutionizing the treatment methodologies of solid tumors and replacing existing chemotherapies. For instance, tumor-selective mAbs such as Avastin and Herceptin have transformed the cancer mAbs market. These agents addressed unmet clinical needs of the market, including reducing toxicity levels and increasing efficacy
  • 全球乳房植入物市场报告(2016-2020年)
    One of the aspects of modern life that is considered as an essential by men and women is appearance. The desire to look presentable has led to the notable growth in the cosmetology industry. Originally, cosmetic surgery evolved from the reconstructive procedures and as a result, some of its techniques are similar whether they are used for reconstructive or cosmetic purposes. For instance, in various reconstructive procedures, breast implant is a procedure used to gain normal appearance after mastectomy. However, it has a much wider application in cosmetic technique to streamline the body shape.
  • 全球活性药物成分市场报告(2017-2021年)
    A drug is generally composed of APIs and excipients. APIs are chemical compounds or a combination of compounds that are used primarily to have the desired effect on biological systems. Excipients are inactive ingredients in a drug that are used to disperse APIs. APIs may be synthesized either through chemical or biotechnological methods.


  • 生物医药行业:估值调整逐渐到位,关注业绩增速较高的公司-周报
    经过前期股票走势的结构性分化,大多数龙头股和成长股的估值得到了适当的调整,目前处在较合理的位置,建议接下来兲注其有较高业绩增长的公司,赚 EPS 的钱,兲注益丰药房、东诚药业、鱼跃医疗、富祥股仹;目前的 A 股市场是投资者风险偏好较低的震荡市,在这样的市场环境中,低估值稳健白马股跑赢医药挃数的概率较高,建议做相对收益的投资者继续兲注估值低于行业平均水平的龙头企业如上海医药、中国医药、华兰生物等。
  • 医药生物行业:全面拥抱“确定性;关注国务院深化医改2017年重点工作任务通知
    本周申万医药指下跌 1.63%,沪深 300 指数下跌 1.86%,创业板指数下跌 1.91%, 跑赢沪深 300 指数 0.23 个百分点,跑赢创业板指数 0.28 个百分点。本周医药成交总额为745.64 亿元,沪深总成交额为 17,226.91 亿元,医药成交额占比沪深总成交额比例为 4.33%,本周医药行业热度较上周略有下降。子行业方面,本周表现最好的为化学制剂,下跌 0.23%;表现最差的为生物制品,下跌 2.22%。
  • 生物制品行业:把握业绩主线,关注医改受益领域-周报
    本周大盘跌幅较大,申万 28 个一级行业均以下跌报收,其中医药板块整体下跌 2.57%,略跑输大盘。在市场整体尚未企稳之际,我们继续建议投资者把握业绩主线,精选业绩表现良好以及一季报业绩表现超预期的个股。
  • 医药行业:国务院办公厅发布《深化医药卫生体制改革2017年重点工作任务》全民医保、医疗服务下沉成为工作重点
  • 医药行业:紧跟医药政策变化,关注板块龙头企业-分析
    从 2011H-2017Q1 癿医药上市公司营收增速来看,整体医药行业营业收入增速从 19%巠右,增速中枢丌断下行,2015 年一度跌破 12%,2016 年行业回暖,增速回升至 14.84%。具体看各行业情冴,化学原料药板块叐提价因素影响,处二行业景气周期;化学制剂板块,政策频出,利好创共能力药企,板块毛利率逐年提升;中药板块,医保控费政策相继出台,板块业绩収展压力大;生物制品板块中,各子板块分化较大,整体业绩持续向好。

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