(报告加工时间:2023-12-26 -- 2024-01-28)


  • 全球煤炭气化市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Coal gasification is a thermochemical process in which coal is subject to heat and pressure in a gasifier to break it down into its chemical constituents. The resulting product, known as syngas, primarily comprises carbon monoxide and hydrogen and, occasionally, other gaseous compounds. Syngas can be used for electricity generation, as a fuel in energy-efficient fuel cell technology, and even as a chemical building block in industrial applications. Moreover, hydrogen can be extracted for use as fuel in a hydrogen economy. Also, syngas can be used to produce transportation fuels that can be a substitute for gasoline in vehicles.
  • 全球页岩气市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Shale gas is a type of natural gas that is trapped within shale rock formations deep beneath the Earth's surface. It is a fossil fuel, like conventional natural gas, primarily composed of methane with small amounts of other hydrocarbons and trace impurities.


  • 立足新周期起点,探寻风险中的确定性
    油价回归理性,价格或已探见底部。2023 上半年,在欧美国家持续加息的背景下,原油价格震荡下行,但随着 OPEC 在 5 月开始减产和出行旺季在三季度到 来,原油行业供需缺口显现,油价在美联储加息过程中逆势上涨,并在巴以冲突激化下达到年内高点;四季度,由于淡季需求回落,以及市场对 OPEC+次年的产量政策较为担忧,油价再度下滑。
  • 复盘油价周期,暨2024年油气展望
  • 石油行业:从近期Phillips_66股价上涨,来透视炼化企业估值与发展策略-原油研究系列(十二)
    公司股价自6月23日以来上涨了45.41%。Phillips 66公司股价在6月23日触及88.1美元的 半年内低点后,公司股价走出箱体震荡行情并呈现单边增长的趋势。在9月13日触及124美 元的高点后有所调整,但近期再次快速增长。截至12月1日触及131.26美元的历史高点后, 收于129.70美元,自6月23日以来上涨了45.41%,2023年以来上涨了33.55%。

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