(报告加工时间:2019-07-22 -- 2019-08-11)


  • 行业月度报告-化工201905
    5 月份,化工行业运行整体依旧缓慢,工业增加值增 速回升后有放缓趋向;1~5 月,化学原料和化学制品制造业工业增 加值同比增长 4.6%;出厂价格指数总体延续上年末下滑趋势,4 月 略有回升后 5 月再度下滑,5 月化学原料和化学制品制造业出厂价格 指数为 97.5 点;行业投资增速回落后再度提升,1~5 月化学原料和 化学制品制造业固定资产投资同比增长 7.4%;化工行业营收增速大 幅放缓,利润终结增长开启下滑走势,1~5 月行业利润同比大幅减 少 13.6%,继续较 1~4 月收窄 2.4 个百分点。 
  • 中经网行业月度报告-新材料201906
    6 月份,多项政策利好继续推动新材料产业高质量发展:一是《鼓励外商投资产业目录(2019 年版)》出台,多种新材料被列为鼓励外资投资行业,二是工信部公布了第一批专精特新“小巨人”企业名单,多家新材料企业上榜,三是商务部对美韩欧盟三元乙丙橡胶发起反倾销立案调查,有望提振国内的乙丙橡胶产业。重点产品方面,本月随着基建加速,建筑行业回暖,铝材同比增速上升,但铝合金受汽车行业低迷影响需求仍下滑。
  • 2019年中国母婴家庭服务平台研究报告
  • 中经网行业月度报告-化工201906
    6 月份,化工行业运行整体依旧缓慢,工业增加值增速回升后有放缓趋向;1~6 月,化学原料和化学制品制造业工业增加值同比增长4.8%;出厂价格指数总体延续上年末下滑趋势,6 月跌势扩大,6 月化学原料和化学制品制造业出厂价格指数为96.2 点;行业投资增速回落后再度提升,1~6 月化学原料和化学制品制造业固定资产投资同比增长9.3%;化工行业营收增速大幅放缓,利润终结增长开启下滑走势,1~6 月行业利润同比大幅减少13.8%,较1~5 月扩大0.2 个百分点。
  • 中经网行业月度报告-石化201906
    6 月,石化行业生产继续增长,但消费持续低迷。市场价格环比下降使得营收增长放缓,利润下滑。具体来看,生产方面,石油加工、炼焦及核燃料加工业规模以上工业增加值同比增长4.1%;原油加工量5370 万吨,同比增长7.7%;煤油产量同比环比增长,但汽油、柴油产量同比环比均下滑。进出口方面,成品油出口量为543.0 万吨,同比增长14.5%。需求方面,宏观经济压力等因素导致柴油消费量呈持续下滑态势。投资方面,投资增速大幅下滑,固定资产投资额累计同比增长6.96%,而上年同期为同比下降7.9%。


  • 全球生物刺激剂市场 - 增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The general view on biostimulants is that they are neither fertilizers nor pesticides, and are in some ways beneficial to the plant body. Given the urgent need to enhance the productivity of agricultural lands, this niche segment has been registering robust growth. Regional bodies, such as the European Biostimulant Industry Council (EBIC) and Biostimulant Coalition, have defined the segment to provide a clear picture.
  • 中东涂料和涂料添加剂市场 - 增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The demand for paints and coatings additives is primarily driven by architectural coatings. This is due to the robust growth in construction activities from various nations in the Middle East. The demand for additives from architectural coatings account for more than 60% of the total Middle Eastern demand. Thus, the increasing production of paints and coatings is, in turn, propelling the growth of the market studied. Middle Eastern countries are known for their high-rise buildings and architecture. The regional market has bolstered constructional activities for hotel buildings and infrastructural activities for tourism.
  • 欧洲木塑复合材料(WPC)市场 - 增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The market for wood plastic composites is being driven by their sustainable and exclusive characteristics, such as high-performance, low-maintenance, and economical and eco-friendly behaviors. This class of material lies between polymer and wood with better properties. Currently in all manufacturing sectors, there is an increasing demand for recyclable and biodegradable materials with superior mechanical strength, fuel efficiency, and weight reducing property. Compared to its substitute materials, such as conventional plastic, treated lumber, and steel components, WPCs act as a low-cost and eco-friendly substitute. Some of the superior properties include thermal stability, recyclability, and stiffness, among others. Products made of WPCs eliminate the environmental impact of conventional plastics. The surface (regardless of design) offers anti-slippery property and the hidden fastening ensures smooth surface without any risk of injury.

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