(报告加工时间:2024-02-27 -- 2024-03-04)



  • 航空货运:跨境电商打造第二曲线,供不应求进入上行区间
    航空货运:精益生产的伴生产业,跨境电商打造第二增长曲线。航空货运市场是一条适配于高价值、高时效型货物的细分赛道,行业伴生于 20 世纪 70 年代发达国家制造业由流水线向 JIT/精益生产模式的转变,其长期增长趋势与发达经济体 GDP 高度挂钩,2000 年后便进入成熟期。近年来,以 TEMU、SHEIN 为代表的跨境电商企业将 JIT 生产引入快消品出口产业,中国式柔性供应链的突破带来国货出口的新机遇,已经步入成熟期的全球航空货运市场迎来第二增长曲线。


  • 全球压裂砂物流市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Frac sand, short for fracturing sand, is a type of high-purity quartz sand used in hydraulic fracturing (fracking) operations in the oil and natural gas industry.
  • 全球近海供应船市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Offshore supply vessel is known for providing support services such as the transportation of drilling equipment, manpower, and technical reinforcement, besides helping in terms of anchorage and tugging to offshore drilling rigs, pipe laying, and oil manufacturing platforms used in the production and exploration activities. The global offshore supply vessel market facilitates and supports the transportation and other activities at the oil and gas drilling and exploration sites.
  • 全球互联铁路解决方案市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Connected rail solutions are used to collect data essential for understanding the events occurring in the railway industry, including train tracking, guiding, and communication. The users of connected rail solutions gather data to improve productivity, increase the safety of trains and passengers, and ensure efficiency in railway operations. Connected rail solutions integrate capabilities from multiple preoperatory networks in railway operations into new converged Internet Protocol (IP)-based network infrastructure.

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