(报告加工时间:2017-07-17 -- 2017-07-23)


  • 中国智能门锁产业白皮书2017
    Analysys易观分析认为,2016年,中国智能家居市场规模达到1140亿,预计2017年将达到1404亿,同比增加23.2%。预计到2019年将突破1950亿元人民币。随着智能家居中智能电视、智能路由器等智能单品的爆发,多个智能家居单品已经进入到普通用户的 家庭,而智能家居平台的建立,使得智能家居系统日益完善。伴随着家居生活中智能产品的增多,智能家居市场逐渐由单品爆发向系统化方向发展,未来智能家居市场规模将进一步扩大。
  • 2012-2016年铸造机械行业市场评估及2021年综合预测报告
    近年来,我国铸造企业整体装备水平有了较大提升,一些规模企业采用了机械化、自动化铸造生产线等先进装备,显著提高了生产效率,国家工信部已经认定的三批 1729 家铸造准入企业,铸件产量已经占全国铸件总产量的 55%以上。但是,各地区新建、扩(改)建铸造项目很多,新增了很多产能;一些地区盲目投资、重复建设仍时有发生,更加剧了同质化恶性竞争。


  • 全球齿轮加工机床市场报告(2017-2021年)
    This Technavio report is based on the synthesis, analysis, and interpretation of information about the global gear cutting machine market collected from specialized sources. Technavio analysts have derived insights using a mix of primary and secondary research with an aim to provide a holistic picture of the market.
  • 全球工业锅炉市场报告(2017-2021年)
    In this industry research report, Technavio covers the present scenario and growth prospects of the global industrial boiler market for 2017-2021.To arrive at the market size, we have considered the demand for industrial boilers from major end-user industries across the globe. The demand for industrial boilers has been examined across all geographies in the market size estimations. Individual market sizeand forecasts by geography have been provided with detailed analysis for each segment. Estimates are based on existing market conditions, feedback from consumers and contractors, and the analyst's view on the market.
  • 全球滚齿机市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The manufacturing process used to cut tooth type geometries is known as hobbing.Hobbing is an important industrial process for gear manufacturing. The process is carried out using a hobbing machine with two skew spindles, one of these spindles is mounted with the hob while the other is mounted with a blank workpiece.In this industry research report, Technavio covers the present scenario and growthprospects of the global gear hobbing machines market for 2017-2021.
  • 全球齿轮泵市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Gear pumps are the most widely used type of hydraulic pumps. Hydraulic gear pumps have different applications, and the flow mechanism varies for different applications.Most commonly, there are two types of gear pumps: external and internal gear pumps.The external gear pump has external spur gears, while the internal gear pump uses one internal and one external spur gear. Gear pumps are also called positive displacement pumps because they pump a constant amount of fluid after each revolution.The global gear pump market was valued at $4.116 billion in 2016 and is expected to reach $5.013 billion by 2021, growing a CAGR of 4.02%.

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