(报告加工时间:2017-07-24 -- 2017-08-27)


  • 全球热塑性弹性体的市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The global TPVs market will likely post the highest CAGR during the forecast period.This can be attributed to the increasing application of these TPEs in the construction and automotive industries to replace PVC, and natural and synthetic rubber. TPV is being preferred over the aforementioned conventional materials owing to its superior chemical- and abrasion-resistance characteristics.
  • 全球特种压敏胶带市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Specialty pressure-sensitive tapes adhere to surfaces when pressure is applied and do not require solvents, heat, or other agents. These tapes are used in industrial and construction applications because of their high-tensile strength. They are also used in the healthcare and automotive industries for their fastening and bonding properties.Many variants of these tapes, such as double-sided tapes, are available in the market.The global specialty pressure-sensitive tapes market will grow steadily during the forecast period, posting a CAGR of 5.36%. Greater demand from the electrical and electronic segment is the major growth driver for this market. These tapes are widely used in electronic assembly, PCB production, and wire bundling welding applications.The increase in demand for these applications has led to a rise in the demand for PVC and adhesive materials, as well as in the production of the tapes. Another driver in the market is the increase in demand from the medical and hygiene industry.
  • 全球香味蜡烛市场报告(2017-2021年)
    This report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global scented candles market for 2017-2021. To calculate the market size, the report considers revenue generated from sales of scented candles used for massage purpose (includes applications in medical and intimacy industries) by end-users such as individuals and spas.


  • 生物制品行业:把握中报行情,看好生物创新药企业-周报
    近5 个交易日,申万医药生物板块上涨0.91%,沪深300 上涨1.37%,医药板块整体跑输沪深300 指数,涨跌幅在申万28 个一级行业中排名第22 位。子板块方面,本周除医药商业板块下跌1.25%外,其余板块均以上涨报收,其中医疗器械和化学制药板块涨幅较大,分别上涨2.22%与2.03%;生物制品板块上涨0.40%,市场表现一般。
  • 轻工制造行业:关注高成长价值股,积极布局市场估值切换
    本周(文内本周均指7 月31 日至8 月4 日)市场风格依然表现为周期股强于成长股,周期股走强逻辑逐步由此前经济回暖迹象带动向供给侧改革及环保政策加码转移,造纸板块在周期股带动下走强,龙头纸企股价不断创历史新高,造纸行业淡季不淡,环保核查常态化以及供给侧改革加速行业产能集中度提升,行业龙头受益。随着中报陆续披露,市场投资风格或向三季报超预期及18 年估值切换转移,看好估值与增速更加匹配的高成长价值股投资价值。 

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