(报告加工时间:2014-09-01 -- 2014-09-15)


  • 中国化工导报(2014年9月5日)
    Consumption of natural gas in China grew 15.9% year on year from 2007 to 2013, compared with a 10.3% growth in domestic natural gas output in the same period, yielding an ever-widening supply gap.
  • 生物科技产业资讯——2014年第8期
  • 石化汇编-第671期
  • 2014年8月下半月石油和化工行业要闻综述
  • 行业月度报告-化工201407
    7月,在微刺激政策下,宏观经济出现回升迹象,化工行业工业增加值增速改善。 1~7月,化工行业增加值同比增长11.0%,增速同比提高0.1个百分点。从主要产品产量看,化肥、合成树脂、化纤产量增速有所回落,橡胶产量增速出现反弹。化工各子行业出厂价格指数继续以升为主,但仍低于100点,化工产品价格继续低于上年同期水平。7月份,随着工业需求回暖,国内化工市场逐步上行,相比去年同期市场活跃性及产品成交价格均大有起色。但是同时,多数化工产品仍面临产能过剩、库存高企等问题,化工产品价格依然处于历史低位。


  • 全球异丙苯市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Cumene or Isopropylbenzene is a flammable organic compound. It is an aromatic hydrocarbon-based liquid, with a boiling point of 305.6 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • 全球聚丙烯泡沫市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Polypropylene foams are engineering plastic materials with unique material properties such as energy absorption, structural strength, thermal insulation, acoustical properties, and chemical inertia; these foams are recyclable and lightweight in nature. Polypropylene foams are manufactured by the catalytic polymerization of propylene. The exclusive properties of this material make it an appropriate material for lightweight, energy management, thermal insulation, and cushioning applications across various industries. Some of the major end-users of polypropylene foams include the Automotive, Packaging, and Consumer Products industries.
  • 全球聚乙烯市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Polyethylene is also known as polythene and is the most commonly used plastic. It is chemically synthesized from ethylene. Polyethylene is used in various products as it can be easily remolded. It is used in packaging, pond liners, pipes, molds, wires, and cables, general purpose tubing, drums, carrier bags, and household goods. There are three major types of polyethylene: HDPE,LDPE, and LLDPE.


  • 原型系统的化学制氢和储存的工作及其设备
    This research project sought to develop a prototype hydrogen-based fuel cell system for ITS devices. The project investigated hydrogen storage capacities of the various candidate chemical hydride analogs; selected the most efficient of the candidates for energy storage based on volume, mass, and cost; developed a prototype system; and estimated the capital and operating cost for such a system. A hydrogen fuel cell combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, providing a clean, high-efficiency energy source that circumvents the problems associated with conventional batteries. A major drawback that limits its utility, however, is the use of heavy and bulky compressed metal cylinders as the source of hydrogen. The chemical-based hydrogen generation used in this project can provide a compact, atmospheric-pressure storage option for the controlled release of hydrogen. Many ITS-based applications can be envisaged with hydrogen-based fuel cells, such as alternating-traffic signs, directional signals, speed-limit signs, blinkers in series, warning blinkers, and backup power sources at traffic signals during power outages. This system is particularly attractive because many remote traffic signals on northern Minnesota roads lack access to a power grid, requiring the use of batteries that must be changed often, thus incurring maintenance costs.

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