(报告加工时间:2014-09-15 -- 2014-09-21)


  • 2014年中国网络视频市场年度综合报告
  • 中国信息技术市场报告(2014年9月)
    In the third generation communication system, all the wireless network use digitalize transfer. Thus the analog transmission to ever proposed fundamentally have changed. WCDMA is one of the three mainstream standards, whose demodulation is also fundamentally different with GSM.
  • 2013-2014年中国信息安全产业分析与预测
  • 移动游戏行业:蓝港互动(mGameTracker)-中国企业报告
  • 中国通讯与信息技术报告(2014年9月)
    Reference is made to the announcement dated 9 June 2014 of China Mobile Limited (the “Company”) in relation to the subscription of 18% interest in True Corporation Public Company Limited (“True Corporation”) by China Mobile International Holdings Limited (“CMI Holdings”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company (the “Subscription”), and the intention of the Company and True Corporation to explore extensive and long-term business cooperation.
  • 台湾地区结构数据管理软件市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Data that are stored in a fixed place such as a file or a record are known as structured data. Structured data have the advantage of being easily entered, stored, and analyzed. Structured data enable users to decide what field of data to store and how it will be stored. Currently, because of high costs and performance limitations of storage, memory, and processing, relational databases and spreadsheets that use structured data are the only option for organizations to effectively store and manage their data.
  • 2014年中国手机银行市场年度综合报告
    近年来,中国经济高速发展所蕴藏的消费潜力,在智能手机领域强烈迸发。伴随着智能手机的快速普及,移动互联网也在中国获得飞速发展,资讯、社交、购物、生活客户端层出不穷,将网络生活从电脑前搬到了手机上。中国商业银行敏锐的把握了移动金融变革的浪潮,商业银行投入了相当大的精力开发和完善移动客户端。随着3G 网络的普及以及4G 网络的正式商用,促使移动互联网在2013 年全年取得了爆发式的增长,对商业银行来说,移动互联网爆发,使得手机银行注册客户数和交易规模激增,成为各银行布局的重点。智能机的普及促使客户端手机银行逐渐成熟并成为主流;手机银行除了金融交易功能之外,开始发挥特有移动属性,开发符合手机客户使用体验的增值服务。手机银行模式的逐渐成熟和创新,进一步扩大的其生态系统,除了传统网络运营商、手机厂商,手机操作系统服务商,客户端应用提供商,甚至新媒体都成为手机银行不可或缺的合作伙伴。
  • 2014年中国网上银行市场年度综合报告
    随着我国经济的飞速发展,互联网技术越来越多的融入到了人们的生活的各个方面,变得与其他产业密不可分。近几年电子商务等出现爆发式的增长,这不只是因为人们消费习惯的改变,而且还因为电子支付十分快捷。 网上银行是电子支付的一个种类,1995 年10 月18 日,全球第一家网络银行“安全第一网络银行”(SFNB)在美国诞生,之后网上银行的数量和规模取得了爆炸式的增长,网上银行产业链已逐步形成。我国第一家网上银行在1997 年诞生,虽然我国的网上银行规模也一直呈增长趋势,但由于我国网上银行发展时间较短,还处于行业发展的初级阶段,还面临着技术、监管、安全及用户认知种种问题。
  • 电子商务-第032期
  • 2013-2014年中国信息产业分析与预测


  • 全球产品数据管理市场报告(2014-2018年)
    PDM is one of the business functions within cPDM, which is one of the major segments in the PLM market. PDM is a software tool responsible for the creation, management, and publication of product data. It helps to organize product development by combining documents, technical data, CAD, and images that are required to design, manufacture, support, and maintain a product. PDM helps manufacturing companies find the data quickly, thereby reducing the data management time. It also reduces development errors and costs by enabling a collaborative product development cycle.
  • 全球应用程序管理服务市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Application management services help an organization manage its business applications to increase operational efficiency and effectiveness. These services also support business growth and help organizations evolve with changing business directions. The main stages involved in application management services are application development, monitoring, maintenance, and support.


  • 分布式网络试点功能增强的研究
    The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has identified the need for clinical, administrative, and other kinds of health care information from very large populations to address topics central to its mission, and to the missions of other Federal agencies. A distributed health data network advances AHRQs Effective Health Care and Health Information Technology research goals by focusing on standardized and reusable information technology approaches for speeding the initiation and conduct of large-scale comparative effectiveness studies, including studies of treatments covered by Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, and other Federal payers. The current team developed design specifications for a scalable, distributed, health data network, created a prototype for the network, performed a study using distributed principles assessing the comparative effectiveness of second line anti-hypertensive therapy, and created a blueprint for implementing a distributed health data network.

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