(报告加工时间:2024-03-26 -- 2024-04-06)



  • 全球土木和建筑行业CAD市场报告(2024-2028年)
    CAD software in the civil and construction industry is designed for contractors, builders, engineers, and architects to design their projects. This kind of software serves as a tool for designing mechanical designs and their documentation. This type of software is a tool that is used to design mechanical design and documentation. It is an alternative method for manual drafting and an automated method of mechanical designing or structural design.
  • 全球零能耗建筑市场报告(2024-2028年)
    A zero-energy building is also known as a zero-net energy building. It is a special type of building or structure whose consumption of energy in a year equals the amount of renewable energy generated onsite, resulting in significant reductions in GHG emissions.


  • 改革推进,价值重估——央国企改革专题研究
    央国企改革持续推进,相关企业估值中枢有望上移。当前央国企改革已进入全面深 化期,国资委考核指标体系形成了“一利五率”的框架,更加注重经营质量。建筑央国企估值水平普遍较低。压制因素包括:长期成长性、企业资产质量、以及分红率等财务指标有待改善。随着改革深化,企业经营质量、成长预期均有望改善,因而投资价值有望获得持续提升,并推动估值中枢的上移。

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