(报告加工时间:2021-10-25 -- 2021-10-31)



  • 全球高尔夫球车市场机会分析和行业预测(2021-2028年)
    A golf cart is electric powered or gas-powered low speed vehicle originally manufactured for use in golf courses. Golf cart is very light weight and compact in size. Features such as availability of radio, windshield, rear seat, and others make it popular across various areas including stadiums, golf course, and hotels. Presently, golf carts are categorized as electric golf cart, gasoline golf cart, and solar golf cart based on technology. This ensures flexibility in terms of usage of different types of golf carts as per availability. The report also covers the golf cart market based on application. The market is categorized into golf course, personal services, and commercial services, and covers the market size as per usage.
  • 全球足球市场(2021-2028年)
    Football, also known as soccer, is a famous sport across the globe, especially in European countries. Football leagues such as the FIFA World Cup, UEFA Champions League, and UEFA European Championship promotes market growth. Football leagues used to do a huge promotions such as sponsorship, promotion of jerseys, broadcasting matches, and making of football anthems during world cups with celebrity endorsement, which increases interest of playing football among customers. Furthermore, a football league generates enormous income. Thus, the increasing trend of football leagues influence the investors as well. Mainly these investors are the sports brands, which seek opportunity in their brand promotion through sponsorship and investments. Moreover, there are some football associations that promote interest of customers in the football market. Such football associations are present in almost every city or country. Furthermore, these promotions encourage fitness and health-conscious customers to adopt football as sports or use it in exercises. Hence, such factors promote growth of the football market.


  • 传媒行业:字节系产品Q3用户使用时长超越腾讯系,持续关注第四季度电商带动营销机会
  • 传媒行业:谷歌拟下调基于订阅的应用抽成至15%,巨人拟收购淘米网络
    我们认为目前传媒板块处于产业演进新周期的初始阶段,中长期看,新的通信技术及ARVR等硬件平台升级将带来行业发展新机遇;短期看,渠 道格局稳定的背景下,优秀的内容公司仍有通过商业模式升级及品类扩充实现估值提升的机会。新一轮监管落地有利于行业中长期发展。基于此, 给予行业“推荐”评级。
  • 传媒行业:双十一预售开启,多部重磅影片亮相院线推介会
    上周沪深300指数上涨0.56%,申万传媒指数下跌0.44%,跑输沪深300 指数1.00个百分点。个股方面,上周涨幅较大的有天下秀(+6.57%)、 芒果超媒(+4.50%),跌幅较大的有蓝色光标(-9.58%)、万达电影 (-8.63%)。
  • 探求旅游数据低迷的原因-宏观经济
    疫后修复之年,旅游数据曾备受期待,但疫情防控,以及经济下行带来的收 入增长压力,使得过去的多个假期中旅游相关数据都没有能够恢复到疫情之 前。为什么在媒体发布拥挤游客照片、部分景点甚至采取限流措施的同时, 旅游数据并不如预期强劲?为什么旅游总收入的恢复较旅游人次的恢复更慢 一拍?各个地区在修复程度上是否存在差异?在解读旅游数据的同时,这些 疑问无法避免,本文将对此进行解读。

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