A low voltage circuit breaker is a type of electromechanical switch that breaks the circuit manually or automatically under abnormal conditions such as over current, over voltage, and short circuit and works up to 1,000 V voltage rating. Its basic function is to detect a fault function by interrupting continually and immediately discontinue electric flow. As compared to fuse, which operates once and needs to replace, a low voltage circuit breaker can be reset either manually or automatically to resume normal options.
The global low voltage circuit breaker market is segmented on the basis of type, application, end user, and region. Based on type, it is categorized into miniature circuit breaker, molded case circuit breaker, and air circuit breaker. On the basis of application, it is divided into energy allocation, shut-off circuit, and others. By end users, the market is fragmented into residential, commercial, and others. Region wise, it is analyzed across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA.