(报告加工时间:2023-10-30 -- 2023-11-12)



  • 卫星互联网,星海辽阔,邀你摘星揽月(一)
    狭义上的卫星互联网即以构建太空高速通信网络为目标,通过采用低轨通信卫星组网方式,实现全覆盖通信,弥补现有地面互联网网络的覆盖盲点,解决偏远地区以及空中、海上通信盲区的联网需求,弥补数字鸿沟,典型模式包括马斯克 SpaceX 的星链等。


  • 全球感染控制监控解决方案市场展望预测(2023-2028年)
    Infection control surveillance solutions are an integral component of healthcare systems that are designed to help prevent and control HAIs. These solutions range from comprehensive infection control systems that incorporate surveillance of pathogens, antimicrobial therapy management, infection prevention strategies, and antibiotic stewardship programs to more focused solutions that help track and monitor nosocomial and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in a hospital setting. By recognizing the scope and prevalence of HAIs, infection control surveillance solutions help health professionals identify areas of potential concern and reduce the impact of infectious outbreaks.
  • 全球5G基础设施市场研究报告预测报告(2023-2029年)
    5 G infrastructure refers to the network of macro and small cell base stations with edge computing capabilities that are required for the functionality of the fifth generation technology standard for cellular networks 5 G infrastructure provides low latency coverage for big data streams that power applications like IoT devices, semi autonomous vehicles, and augmented reality
  • 全球农业物联网市场研究与预测样本(2023-2028年)
    Precision farming, also known as precision agriculture, is an approach to farming that uses technology and data to optimize agricultural practices and increase efficiency • Precision farming involves collecting and analyzing data on soil conditions, weather patterns, and crop growth, among other factors, to make informed decisions about planting, irrigation, fertilization, and harvesting • Precision farming techniques may include the use of sensors, drones, GPS, and other technologies to collect and analyze data in real time, allowing farmers to make data driven decisions and adjust their practices as needed
  • 全球人工智能医疗成像解决方案市场研究报告预测(2023-2029年)
    The products in the global AI enabled medical imaging solutions market include the hardware and software solutions which are used to mimic human cognitive behaviors in the field of medical imaging
  • 全球5G卫星市场研究报告预测市场(2021-2030年)
    5G enabled satellite have the ability to transmit high data rates on global scale This provides potential for connectivity to passengers in airplanes, ships, or other vehicles
  • 全球在线自学市场展望预测(2023-2028年)
    The online self-study market has recently experienced exponential growth and transformation, revolutionizing how individuals acquire knowledge and skills. The self-education market is expected to grow as more individuals recognize the value and benefits of lifelong learning, professional development, and personal growth. The industry will likely see further innovation, expansion of course offerings, and the emergence of new platforms and technologies to cater to the evolving needs of learners.
  • 全球光伏逆变器市场展望预测(2023-2028年)
    The global PV inverter market is projected to reach significant revenue growth during the forecast period. Rapid growth in solar power plants worldwide will support the market growth. The exhibit below shows the newly installed global solar PV capacity.
  • 全球临床决策支持系统 CDSS 市场预测(2023-2028年)
    A clinical decision support system ( is a type of health information technology that offers knowledge and person specific data to physicians, employees, patients, and other individuals to support health and medical care A wide range of tools are included in CDSS to improve clinical workflow decision making These tools include, among others, focused patient data reports and summaries, documentation templates, diagnostic support, and contextually relevant reference data


  • 存储|RAM价格全线上涨,看好后市高端产品涨价持续性
    行业周期角度,海外大厂稼动控制下存储供需逐渐改善,主流存储价格 23Q3 起持续回暖,我们看好产业链公司 23H2 业绩底部复苏,及 24 全年持续改善。 国内厂商主要布局利基存储设计或主流存储模组环节,23Q2 大部分存储厂商毛利率已至近年低位,库存见顶,营收/出货量出现环比增长,部分厂商利润端环比改善。我们预计 23H2 随库存去化,需求逐步回归,未来行业细分龙头有望迎来业绩修复机会,看好国内存储产业链周期复苏叠加国产化趋势下的投资机遇。
  • 中信建投__逐鹿Alpha专题报告十七基于TiDE及其改进的因子融合模型
    随着transformer 结构近年来在自然语言处理(NLP)和计算机视觉领域大放异彩, 在时间序列预测的问题上,各类基于transformer 的模型也层出不穷,如Informer, Temporal Fusion Transformer, PatchTST 等,均取得了较好的结果。在2022 年的论 文“Are Transformers Effective for Time Series Forecasting?”中,作者提出了一种简 单的MLP 结构LTSF-Linear,结果表明,Linear 模型在许多数据集上均能超越现有 的transformer 模型。随后,基于MLP 的时序模型不断提出,包括哈工大/华为的MTS-Mixers 以及谷歌的TSMixer,TiDE 等。本文我们尝试将TiDE 模型应用于选股, 结果表明,原始的TiDE 模型并不适合股票收益率的预测,通过在原始的TiDE 模型 中加入GRU encoder 结构, 我们提出了TiDGE 模型, 能够提高模型表现。
  • 以MSCI中国A50互联互通指数为例-指数专题研究
    MSCI中国A50互联互通指数简介:MSCI中国A50互联互通指数发布于2021年9 月17日,采用创新的编制方法,是基于MSCI中国A股指数(母指数)构建而 成,挑选50只可通过互联互通机制进行投资的中国大盘A股,旨在反映全球 行业分类标准(GICS)所涵盖的每个行业中具有代表性的50家最大上市公 司的表现。

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