(报告加工时间:2017-03-06 -- 2017-03-12)


  • 全球可再生能源投资市场报告(2016-2020年)
    We expect increased investments in new generation energy frameworks such as sustainable low-carbon technologies and in clean energy systems in the interest of enhancing economic development. The short-term costs of shifting to low carbon are likely to amount to just a fraction of the finance required for infrastructure. Therefore, new sources of financing need to be mobilized, and a sharp focus should be placed on generating long term finance. We expect governments to support investments in greenhouse gas-intensive activities andclimate objectives into public procurement and official development assistance during the forecast period. Thus, it will help in catalyzing low carbon transitions during the forecast period.We expect huge innovation in low carbon technologies during the forecastperiod, owing to government’s commitment to the core climate policy instruments. This will create new businesses and replace old technologies with new and advanced technologies. Such developments should also encompass mechanisms to address the potential skills gaps through training, education,and labor market policies.If we look at the present market scenario, international trade barriers canundermine climate objectives like import tariffs that penalize trade in some technologies required for low carbon transition. Negotiations may help to reduce the costs of climate mitigation efforts. For instance, Environmental Goods Agreement, once ratified, will help in reducing overall investments and may boost the uptake of sustainable technologies during the forecast period.
  • 全球电力行业自动化解决方案市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The demand for power is constantly rising worldwide, driven by growing populations, among other factors. Future expansions in the global economy will likely drive this trend further. According to the United Nations (UN), the world's population is predicted to increase from 7.35 billion in 2015 to 8.5 billion by 2030. We estimate that global energy demand may rise from 19,003 TWh in 2011 to 34,453 TWh by 2035.


  • 能源行业:两会推动煤炭及煤电去产能,供求关系将进一步改善-周报
    动力煤方面,上周秦皇岛港 Q5500上涨 3.66%,动力煤 1705 上涨 3.62%。焦煤方面,现货山西主焦煤产地价下跌0.33%,港口价下跌 3.07%,焦煤 1705 上涨 4.21%。秦皇岛港煤炭库存增加 20.5万吨;电厂日耗增加 7.72%,存煤可用天数 16.98 天。原油价格下跌,WTI 原油下跌 2.56%,布伦特原油下跌 1.63%。北美石油钻井数上周增加 7 座,创近 17个月新高。美国原油库存增加 150.1 万桶,再创历史新高。 
  • 电力设备与新能源行业:四部委印发《促进汽车动力电池产业发展行动方案》-周报
    2 月 24 日至 3 月 2 日,沪深 300 指数下跌 1.10%,电力设备与新能源行业下跌 0.73%,跑赢大盘 0.37 个百分点。子行业板块除电机及传动设备和新能源电源电池上涨外,其余板块全部下跌,发电设备和风电设备跌幅居前。 
  • 电气设备与新能源行业:两会开幕,聚焦智能电网及特高压建设-2017年第10周
    上周,2017 年 3 月第一个交易周 2017 年 2 月 27 日到 3 月 3 日, 市场经过 2 月连续三周的上涨后小幅回调,至 3 月 3 日上证指数收报 3218.31 点。各个板块中电子,军工等板块稍有涨幅,28 个板块呈现普遍回调态势。上证综指跌 1.08%,电气板块微跌 0.03%,涨跌幅处于一级行业上游,表现不错,跑赢大盘 1.05 个百分点。子行业中上涨幅度较大的中压设备,储能设备,下跌幅度较大的是其它电源设备和高压设备等。 

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