(报告加工时间:2014-10-01 -- 2014-10-15)



  • 2009-2013年电光源市场评估及2018年综合预测报告
  • 2009-2013年发电机组市场评估及2018年综合预测报告
    近几年全球柴油发电机组市场规模保持着一个较平稳的增长态势,年增长率保持在5%左右,到2012 年,全球柴油发电机组市场规模已经超过85 亿美元。随着拉动内需各种政策的实施,预期未来几年柴油发电机组市场规模增长率将不会低于10%,至2018 年市场规模将达到410 亿元左右。
  • 2009-2013年节能灯行业市场评估及2018年综合预测报告
    近年来白炽灯加速退出历史舞台,节能灯有望在全球范围内全面普及。节能环保成为全球关注的重点,许多国家纷纷计划禁止使用白炽灯,与白炽灯相比,节能灯的光效是其5 倍,寿命为5 到10 倍,达5000—10000 小时。因此各国纷纷实行逐步淘汰白炽灯以及全面禁用白炽灯计划。
  • 2009-2013年输配电及控制设备市场评估及2018年综合预测报告
    在亚洲、中东、非洲和拉美的带动下,全球输配电设备制造行业保持快速发展,2011 年全球市场容量预计将超过1200 亿美元,而未来5 年仍将以4%的速度稳步增长,至2015 年预计全球市场容量将达到1540 亿美元。
  • 2009-2013年中国动力锂离子电池市场评估及2018年综合预测报告
    锂离子电池具有工作电压高、体积小、无记忆效应、无污染、自放电小、循环寿命长等优点,目前已应用于3C 电子产品、交通工具、工业储能等领域。其中,3C 电子产品市场占领绝对主导地位,包括应用于手机、笔记本电脑、PDA、数码相机和携带式电动工具等领域,其中笔记本电脑占23%,手机占50%。
  • 2009-2013年电力电容器及成套设备市场评估及2018年综合预测报告


  • 欧洲轮式装载机市场报告(2014-2018年)
    A wheeled loader is a special type of heavy equipment machine that helps in moving asphalt, dirt, snow, logs, raw materials, debris generation from demolition, rocks, sand, and raw materials during construction activities or for maintaining the sidewalks.
  • 全球逆变器市场报告(2014-2018年)
    A PV inverter is a device that converts the DC current from solar panels into AC current of the required frequency, which is then supplied to the electric grid. The device uses the MPPT technique to extract the maximum amount of power from an array of solar panels.
  • 全球太阳能光伏逆变器市场报告(2014-2018年)
    A PV inverter is a device that converts the DC current from solar panels into AC current of the required frequency, which is then supplied to the electric grid. The device uses the MPPT technique to extract the maximum amount of power from an array of solar panels. Though it functions just as a simple converter, a PV inverter is the most essential part of a solar power plant.
  • 全球水电抽水蓄能电站市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Hydro-pumped storage is an altered use of conventional hydropower technology to store and manage energy. Hydro-pumped storage projects store electricity by circulating water between an upper and lower reservoir. The electrical energy is converted to potential energy and stored in the form of water at an upper elevation. Pumping the water uphill for temporary storage recharges the battery, and during periods of high electricity demand the stored water is released back through the turbines and converted back to electricity as in the case of a conventional hydropower station. Hydro-pumped storage cycle efficiencies exceed 80 percent, unlike other energy storage and thermal technologies that have lower efficiency.

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